13 IFSAM WORLD CONGRESS New World Equilibrium: Managing Regional Realities Work environment: A study case Alma Patricia Aduna Mondragón Érika Janett Chávez Gutiérrez Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa Departamento de Economía May, 2016
The study of work environment is an important aspect in organizations, it’s a subjective perception of the conditions under which employees perform their work. The goal of this research is precisely the study of the work environment, from its theoretical concepts to the analysis of the data obtained in a Mexican company.
Studying work environment within an organization helps to determine how can achieved organizational objectives more effectively. On the other hand, it shows if the productivity of the organization is being affected and how. Research like this helps to suggest solutions to problems, such as staff turnover, low productivity, labor conflicts, etc.
The human being is the most important within an organization and makes everything that happens in the same function properly. The organization was created for man, not man for the organization. Thus, society needs to be united to achieve certain goals that otherwise could not be performed.
Organizations and institutions are seats of power, authority, politics, and the environment in which leaders operate. Organizations are shelter emotions, feelings, passions, joys, hopes and the sum of individual and group behaviors that translate into the workplace and organizational behavior (Madrigal, 2005).
Clima Básico Clima asociado de Orientación a los Aportes Clima asociado de Orientación a los Resultados Orientación a los sistemasClima de estancamientoClima de adaptación Orientación a las personas Clima condescendienteClima humanista Orientación a la producción Clima autoritarioClima de dedicación Orientación al equipoClima ambivalenteClima de rendimiento No eficientesEficientes Desglose de los climas organizacionales según los climas básicos
METHODOLOGY Objective What is the perception of the working environment of workers Hilaturas Selectas company, S.A. C.V. ?
WORK ENVIRONMENT Conceptual definition: Workers Perceptions that they have on the environment in which they work and that can affect productivity and efficiency. Operational Definition: Work environment Hilaturas Selectas Company S.A. de C.V. It was measured by the implementation of the Work Environment Scale (Moos and Insel, 1986).
Work Environment Scale (Moos and Insel, 1986) Includes 10 subscales measuring the work environment of different types and evaluates three fundamental dimensions: Relationships: It consists of the subscales of commitment, cohesion and support supervisor. Personal development: It consists of the subescales autonomy, task orientation, pressure at work. Maintenance and system changes: It consists of the subscales of clarity, control, innovation and physical environment.
Analysis unit : 9 women and 33 men with an age range of years of age who have worked for the company from 2 weeks to 40 years, which play various positions within it, from workers to managers. Company: Hilaturas Selectas S.A. de C.V. Año de Juárez No. 272 Col. Granjas de San Antonio C.P Tel.: Fax: ext. 117 E- Mail: Manufacture of yarns and knitted fabrics Raw material: polyester, nylon, acrylic and cotton. Employees : 250 Sr. Raúl Lahud García Managing Director
Results Given the results from the surveys, we can see that the climate of this company is acceptable because all indicators that make it up are around the midpoint. That is, although it is not negative, it is possible to make improvements that can impact large measure variables such as worker satisfaction and productivity, mainly.
In the Dimension Relations (comprising the factors of Commitment, Cohesion and Support Supervisor WES), it has a tendency to a positive direction although at this time does not have the levels that could be the best, the same goes for Dimension Personal Development (formed by the factors of autonomy, task orientation and pressure at work). At the same time it must work more carefully Dimension Maintenance and System Change; with elements such as: Clarity, Control, Innovation and Physical Environment, which are surely preventing development in the organization. This can be said because if the control is reduced and greater participation by workers would be allowed to introduce important, for example, new technologies or further training possibility.