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Upcoming Events Unit Elections Continue Troops 82,89,103,110 Conclave May 20-22, Camp Ajawah-Register at:
Does your unit have: -A Finance Person? -A Membership Person? -An Activities Person? -An Advancement Person? Have them join us April 14 th At the District Annual Meeting
Service Oppertunity July 1-9 Hyatt Regency Hotel Downtown Minneapolis
April 16 th Lakeville South High School Night Training
April 9 th Rum River
April 23 rd St Anthony Village High
Webelos Transition Have you transitioned your Webelos/Arrow of Light Scout to Boy Scouts? Please be sure to get your paperwork in right away. Pack Committee Chairs received this paperwork via . Don’t delay! Most units should have transitioned at this point. Delay in paperwork means delay in advancement for those scouts.
Boy Scout Requirement Updates Here is the link to the printable inserts of the new requirements to be added to each scout's handbook. _BS_Requirements_Insert.pdf _BS_Requirements_Insert.pdf
National Youth Leadership Training Grey Wolf is Northern Star Council's home of National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT). We present the NYLT syllabus in either a model troop or model crew environment. A Grey Wolf unit is led by a youth staff trained to provide counseling and mentoring. Adult leadership is present and visible, but the unit is run by a well-trained youth staff, who have all previously completed a Grey Wolf experience. There’s plenty of time to learn and practice advanced Scouting skills (taught by the youth staff), as well as learning leadership skills, all while living and discussing the values of Scouting. Scouts who complete this course typically return to their home units with a renewed enthusiasm for Scouting, and fond memories of spending a week in a unit where the Scout Oath and Law are lived intensely and fully.
Wood Badge is a world-class leadership development program intended for all Scout leaders who have complete the basic training for their position. The objectives of Wood Badge are to help Scouters: View Scouting globally, as a family of interrelated, value-based programs that provides age-appropriate activities for youth. Recognize the contemporary leadership concepts utilized in corporate America and leading government organizations that are relevant to our values-based movement. Apply the skills learned from your participation as a member of a successful working team. Revitalize your committment to youth by sharing in an overall inspirational experience that helps provide Scouting with the leadership it needs to accomplish its mission on an ongoing basis.
Next Roundtable May 5 th, 2016 Roundtable 7:30 PM Bring someone new from your unit!! THIS WILL BE A FIRESIDE CHAT OPPORTUNITY W/COUNCIL LEVEL VOLUNTEERS!!
Major Roundtable Change Starting August of 2016, all Roundtables will take place on the 2 nd Thursday of each month! SAME TIME- 7:30pm SAME PLACE- Mayflower Congregational Church Please get this on your calendars!
District Annual Meeting April 14, 2016 at 7:00pm Mayflower Congregational Church The District Committee and Charter Organization Representatives will have an opportunity to vote on our District Leadership for program year. All are welcome to attend. Please help us by sending your Charter Org. Rep. to this event. Invitations will go out at the end of the month.
Upcoming District Events April 14 th, District Annual Meeting April 23 rd, District Pinewood Derby May 20 th -22 nd, District Spring Camporee June 9 th - District Picnic August 11 th - Roundtable DISTRICT CALENDAR IS SET! Look to the District Website for details. Please ensure these are on your unit calendars!