Review Frosh Swim Terms Freestyle – body is on their stomach, arms and legs alternately propel individual through the water, face is in the water (looking forward), with the head turning to the side to breathe. Use flutter kick Backstroke – body is on their back, arms and legs alternately propel individual through the water, face is out of the water (ears resting just below water line) – looking at the ceiling. Kick used is the flutter kick. Breaststroke – body is on their stomach, arms and legs move in a circular motion, with the arms/legs remaining completely underwater throughout the stroke. Head is moved up & down to breathe in rhythm w/the stroke. Kick used is the whip kick.
Butterfly - the stoke in which both arms are raised out of the water and lifted forward together, combined with the dolphin kick. Elementary Backstroke – body is on their back, resting/gliding stroke used in lifesaving techniques. Arms and legs work together (1 arm pull/kick) to emphasize a 3 second glide in between strokes. Kick used is the whip kick. Sidestroke – body is on their side w/1 shoulder facing the bottom. Another resting/gliding stroke used in lifesaving techniques. Arms & legs work independently, but still in rhythm to emphasize the 3 second glide between strokes. Kick used is the scissors kick. Survival swim – different techniques used to help an individual in case there was a situation where the person was too far from the side & able to get to safety. Review of Terms
Sophomore Swim Terms. Starts-Position taken to begin swimming. Open Turn- both hands grab gutter of pool, both feet touch and push off in a streamline motion. Flip Turn-Forward roll, pushing water towards your face, put feet on wall 180 degrees and push off. Individual Medley ( IM)- All four strokes are swum in the following order: butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle. Each stroke is swum one fourth of the total distance. Flippers – swim shoes worn to increase kick propulsion Snorkel – breathing tube used when underwater diving close to the surface Facemask – mask worn over the head and face which enables vision while covering the nose. Commonly used with snorkel tube to dive under the surface of the water Relay : A race consisting of four swimmers where each person swims 1/4 of the event distance. Stroke depends upon the event; free relay is all freestyle; medley relay is backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and freestyle in that order.
Skills Starts-Track Start Turns- Open and Flip turn Diving-Traditional Front Dive Snorkel Dolphin Kick Butterfly Stroke Individual Medley
Snorkeling A skill executed using a diving mask, a shaped tube called a snorkel, and often swim fins. A person often snorkels to observe underwater life. Some snorkelers also wear a wet suit if the water is cold The skill of snorkeling is sometimes used by scuba divers in an attempt to search or rescue someone under water
Snorkeling Clearing the mask Hold the mask steady and tight to your eyebrows with one hand. Now steadily and with a little force exhale through your nose. The water will fall out of the bottom of the mask, and re-apply it back down completely on your face. Clearing the snorkel If your snorkel is clogged with water, simply exhale with strong force. This will send the water up and out of the tube.
Safety Rules Never swim alone. No running/roughhousing in swim area. No glass is swim area (and locker room). Always assess swimming area (especially outside in open water) for any potential dangers. Never dive in shallow water or water that you can’t see the bottom. Recognize where the emergency equipment is located.