Transportation and Equipment Safety Ontario Search and Rescue Volunteer Association Team Leader Training
Transportation & Equipment Safety Objectives Know, understand and communicate applicable legislation/regulations to team members. Know types of transport vehicles utilized for search operations. Ensure that all safety procedures/protocols are followed.
Before starting out, ensure all vehicles are in good working condition and that team members comply with transportation legislation/regulations moving to and from search operations site. What steps could you follow? Transportation & Equipment Safety
Response Vehicle Outside Tire pressure Vehicle fluids checked – top up as required Headlights/signal lights clean/working All windows/mirrors clean Wipers in good condition Transportation & Equipment Safety
Response Vehicle Inside Ensure team members utilize seat belts Ensure operator of vehicle is makes required adjustments e.g. mirrors, lights, windshield wipers etc. for safe operations Check gauges for fuel, oil and battery Ensure proper documentation is on board vehicle e.g. licence and insurance Transportation & Equipment Safety
Response Vehicle/Trailer Combination Trailer Hitch locking mechanism closed and secure Safety chains securely attached (X pattern) Lights operating Tires pressure All equipment secured Ensure trailer wheels are blocked when unhitched Transportation & Equipment Safety
Marine Ensure team members wear appropriately fitted PFD’s Ensure all fluid levels checked Ensure operator is qualified/licensed Ensure communication/navigations equipment is functioning Conduct a pre-departure briefing Transportation & Equipment Safety
All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Tire pressure Vehicle fluids checked – top up as required Helmets with visor/safety glasses on and fastened Ensure operator is qualified and licensed Ensure all equipment including repair kit secured Transportation & Equipment Safety
Snowmobile Ensure track serviceability Vehicle fluids checked – top up as required Helmets with visor/safety glasses on and fastened Ensure operator is qualified and licensed Ensure all equipment including repair kit secured Transportation & Equipment Safety
Rotary Wing (Helicopter) Ensure all team members do not approach aircraft until pilot signals all clear Approach from the side or front (pilot's line of vision) Remove hats and loose articles prior to approaching aircraft Observe hazardous areas around aircraft and obey all commands by aircrew Transportation & Equipment Safety
Rotary Wing (Helicopter) Transportation & Equipment Safety
Mountain Bike Tire pressure Ensure bike operates as per design specifications Ensure member wears properly fitted helmet Ensure member carries water bottle Ensure member wears high visibility vest Transportation & Equipment Safety
Question ? Transportation & Equipment Safety