INCORPORATING PACT Evolution of the USD Assessment System Linda Siefert Director of Assessment University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences x. Sample Incorporating PACT (USD) This example from the University of San Diego describes the means by which the PACT assessment fits into the program’s own assessments. Source: Linda Siefert, USD Created: 10/5/2007
Background Early adopter of 2042 – Fall 2002 NCATE Accreditation 2004 Joined PACT Consortium Fall 2006
2042 TPE Assessment Centerpiece Assignments (formative) Midpoint Portfolio (formative) Student Teaching Evaluation (summative) Final Portfolio (summative) Open House Presentation (informal)
Course-level Assessment of TPEs Centerpiece Assignments Embedded Signature Assignments Common Developmental Rubric used to evaluate all TPEs. Issues: standardization of assignments consistency of scoring TPEs across courses getting scores from instructors We are presently looking at specific TPE rubrics.
Advancement to Student Teaching Midpoint Portfolio Advancement to Student Teaching Interview Common Developmental Rubric used to evaluate all TPEs. Issues: validity as assessment for readiness for student teaching alignment with Teaching Event consistency of scoring We are presently looking at specific TPE rubrics.
Student Teaching Evaluation Common Developmental Rubric used to evaluate all TPEs. Issue: consistency of scoring We are presently looking at specific TPE rubrics.
Culminating Assessment Final Portfolio PACT Teaching Event Common Developmental Rubric used to evaluate all TPEs. Issues: validity scoring consistency The Teaching Event uses the PIAR rubric.
Culminating Presentation Open House Presentation There has not been an evaluation of the Open House Presentation in the past. We are discussing where or not an evaluation would be beneficial.
2042 Original Under PACT Centerpiece Assignments Midpoint Portfolio Student Teaching Evaluation Final Portfolio Open House Presentation Embedded Signature Assignments Midpoint Interview Student Teaching Evaluation PACT Teaching Event Presentation
TaskStream Evolution from a course-based system to a program-based system.
Assessment Materials Assessment across the Program Information for Students Cooperating Teacher PACT Information Faculty Assessment Handbook (TBD) Supervisor PACT Information (presently using the Cooperating Teacher Booklet)