Beauchamps High School You have an example of a controlled assessment coursework You are going to read through and award the marks Use your booklet to remind you what is needed
Read through the coursework For each section, you will need to look through the mark scheme in your booklets In pairs, you need to decide what marks you would award and reasons for this mark First focus is:
Read through the coursework research Discuss what mark range you would awarded for research Use your booklet to see what should be included
› Range of sources Primary Questionnaires surveys Secondary Websites data Newspaper articles › Sort research into appendices › Research must show focus - needs to help answer the question › Keep a research log
Look through the coursework presenting information/data Discuss what mark range you would awarded for presenting information/data Use your booklet to see what should be included
› Introduction at start of coursework › Conclusion at end of coursework › Write up (transcript) of interviews › Data in bar/pie charts › Use of quotes throughout written work › Appendices
Look through the coursework analysis Discuss what mark range you would awarded for analysis Use your booklet to see what should be included
› Introduction at start of › Well constructed commentary › Use figures e.g. 75% of people said not most people said › Show you understand the data so explain what it means
Interpret your evidence – explain how and why your evidence supports your point. Be specific - avoid making sweeping generalisations or points that are difficult to support with specific evidence.
Look through the coursework evaluation Discuss what mark range you would awarded for evaluation Use your booklet to see what should be included
› End your coursework with a conclusion › Make sure you answer your question in the conclusion › Make a judgement “I think that…” › Back up your judgement with the data/evidence
What marks did you award? What were your reasons for these marks?
Ask your teacher for the examiners feedback sheet Marks and feedback awarded: look at the commentary - how close were you?