Key Stage 1 SATs Marlborough Primary School Monday 25 th April 2016
What are SATs? Tests given at the end of Key Stage 1: Maths, Reading Comprehension, Spelling and Grammar (Grammar is new this year). There is no writing test but is based on Teacher Assessment. Results are reported to Parents, LEA and Government. Used as a means of comparing all schools nationally and similar schools.
Who Does SATs? Every state school in the country Every child at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2) and the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6).
In 2014/15 a new national curriculum framework was introduced by the Government for Years 1, 3, 4 and 5. However, Years 2 and 6 (due to statutory testing) continued to study the previous curriculum for one further year. In 2015/16 children in all years at Key Stage 1 and 2 are expected to now study the new national curriculum. KS1 (Year 2) and KS2 SATs (Year 6) will reflect the new curriculum for the first time this year.
Assessment Reporting. Pre 2014 national curriculum levels (e.g. Level 1, 2, 3, 4, ) have now been abolished, as set out in the government guidelines. From 2016, test scores will be reported as ‘scaled scores’. This means it is very difficult to compare the assessment of a previous year with the current year. The new curriculum is more rigorous and sets higher expectations. The criteria for each year group has changed.
Scaled Scores What is meant by ‘scaled scores’? It is planned that the scaled score of 100 will always represent the ‘national standard’. Each pupil’s raw test score will therefore be converted into a score on the scale, either at, above or below 100.
Interpretation of Scaled Scores On publication of the test results in July 2016: A child awarded a scaled score of 100 is judged to have met the ‘national standard’ (at expected) in the area judged by the test. A child awarded a scaled score of more than 100 is judged to have exceeded the national standard (working at greater depth). A child awarded a scaled score of less than 100 is judged to have not yet met the national standard (working towards expected)
KS1 Assessment Arrangements At the end of Year 2, children will take SATs in: Reading English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (No writing Test) Maths SATs have to be carried out during May but there are no set dates nationally – this will be a school decision
Reading The new reading test for Year 2 pupils will involve two separate papers: Paper 1 consists of a selection of texts totalling 400 to 700 words, with questions interspersed. Paper 2 comprises a reading booklet of a selection of passages totalling 800 to 1100 words. Children will write their answers in a separate booklet. The test will be about 30 minutes, although the children are not being assessed at working at speed so will not be strictly timed.
Spelling Punctuation and Grammar Children taking Key Stage 1 SATs will sit three separate papers in grammar, spelling and punctuation: Paper 1: a grammar and punctuation written task, taking approximately 20 minutes, and worth 15 marks. Children will be provided with a prompt and stimulus for a short piece of writing, with a clear text type, audience and purpose. Handwriting will be worth four per cent of the marks. Paper 2: a grammar, punctuation and vocabulary test, in two sections of around 10 minutes each (with a break between, if necessary), worth 20 marks. This will involve a mixture of selecting the right answers e.g. through multiple choice, and writing short answers. Paper 3: a 20-word spelling test taking approximately 15 minutes and worth 10 marks.
Maths The new Key Stage 1 Maths test will be comprised of two papers: Paper 1: Arithmetic, worth 25 marks and taking around 15 minutes. Paper 2: Mathematical fluency, problem- solving and reasoning, worth 35 marks and taking 35 minutes, with a break if necessary. There will be a variety of question types.
How are they administered? Tests and tasks will be given to children over 1 week in May. The week beginning 16th May.
How? Children will take the tests in small groups or as a class depending on the test. Atmosphere is kept as light as possible. Each half term the children have been sitting assessments in class and so this is familiar to them.
Reporting to Parents Subjects reported on will be: Reading Speaking and Listening Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Writing Maths and Science.
Reporting to Parents Scaled scores will be reported along with Teacher Assessment judgements. Currently the Government language: Working towards expected Working at expected Working at greater depth We will continue to add information about their next steps, i.e targets.