Year Two New testing arrangements 2016 Presentation to Parents/Carers Friday 29 th April 2016
Aims Understand changes to the testing arrangements for Year Two children Be clear on the tests requirements and how they will be administered in May Know how you can help at home in preparation for the tests.
Reasons for the tests The tests will provide information about how your child is progressing, compared to children the same age nationally. In the summer term 2016, children at the end of Key Stage 1 will sit new SATs papers. That means that if your child is in Year 2, they will be among the first pupils to take the new test. SATs have been overhauled in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 to reflect the changes to the national curriculum, which was introduced from September A number of schools have been selected to administer the tests early in April 2016 to inform standard setting. Ashurst has not been selected to take part in this so all of our tests will be delivered in May 2016.
A new set of tests will replace the old ones and some new tests are introduced. End of key stage 1 test New this year is a GPS paper – Grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1 – Spelling Paper 2 – Grammar Please note: the requirement for this test has been removed this year, 2016, due to the test being accidently being leaked online. Teacher assessment will now be the only way to make judgements for GPS.
Writing There is no longer a test for writing. Judgements will be based on teacher assessments. Reading Paper 1 – reading prompt and answer booklet Paper 2 – reading booklet and reading answer booklet Children will be expected to sit both papers. Maths Paper 1 – arithmetic Paper 2 – Reasoning Children will be expected to sit both papers.
For further details of the contents of these tests, and for further samples, please go to Following the removal of levels, assessment frameworks are in place to support teachers in making robust and accurate judgement for pupils at the end of KS1 in 2016.
What’s not changed? Teacher assessment is the main focus for the end of KS1 assessment and reporting. It is carried out as part of teaching and learning. At the end of Key Stage 1 teachers must make their judgements for each eligible pupil, taking into account the pupil’s progress and performance throughout the key stage. They must base their TA judgement on a broad range of evidence from across the curriculum for each pupil and use their knowledge of a pupil’s work over time in a variety of contexts.
Moderation of KS1 Teacher Assessment (TA) will take place from May 23 rd until the data submission date on June 30 th. This moderation is to check and validate assessment. Your child will not be directly involved in this process.
What will the children do? The children will go out in small groups to complete the tests. This will be in a familiar setting with staff they work with. Children can stop for a break at any time, if needed. If your child doesn’t understand the question, they will be reassured and encouraged to read it again. On your child’s request, a question may be read on a one-to-one basis. However, this only applies to the maths test.
How will it be administered? Tests must be administered in May It is at school’s discretion to decide when the tests will be delivered. Ashurst will deliver the tests on Thursday 19 th May – Friday 27 th May It is so important that your child attends school at this time.
The results Outcomes of the new KS1 tests will need to be converted into scaled scores, NOT LEVELS, using the conversions tables provided by the government. We are expecting the publication of the thresholds on Friday 3 rd June These scaled scores will be used to support teacher assessment. This will be reported to you as: Working towards the expected standard. Working at the expected standard. Working at greater depth within the expected standard.
How can you help? Continue to work through SATs revision books that were handed out to parents during the Easter break. These do not need to be brought into school weekly, however could you please record what activities they have completed in their homework diary. Practise lead in lines with your child to impact on handwriting standards. Continue to read with your child at home, asking questions about the text. Remember to develop a love of reading. Refer to the interim highlighted sheet (provided by class teacher), which is personal to your child, to develop mathematics skills. Continue to practise the common exception words (provided by class teacher previously.)
Thank you for your continued support. It really does make a difference when we work together. Please be reassured that we will do everything we can to ensure that the administration of the KS1 tests will be a positive experience for your child. We really appreciate your feedback. Please can you spare a few minutes to complete a feedback slip for us.