Formation of Groups Marriage and Family
Marriage …one variable in the formation of kinship groups (affinal relatives). The other is descent (consanguineal relatives). Marriage “…a relationship between one or more men (male or female) and one or more women (male or female) recognized by the society as having a continuing claim to the right of sexual access to one another” (Haviland 2003:514). Marriage/Mating Mating is biological, marriage is cultural” (Haviland 2003:507)…. “Because gender is culturally defined, the ‘man’ may be a female, or the ‘woman’ may be a male (Haviland 2003:507).”
Marriage and Family Conjugal bond Affines - relatives by marriage Consanguineal kin - relatives by birth Incest taboo - very strong prohibition against mating within particular group.
Monogamy Polygamy Polygyny Polyandry One spouse Multiple husbands Multiple spouses Multiple wives Rules of Marriage Exogamy Endogamy Marry inside group Marry outside group Incest taboo Strong prohibition against marriage inside group Marriage and Family
Levirate - “brother marriage” Sororate - “sister marriage” …Either of the above may be “anticipatory”
Marriage and Family Parallel-cousin (= Cousin) Marriage ego's father's brother's children or mother's sister's children.
Marriage and Family X Cousin Marriage in Matrilineal Societies Sometimes prescriptive (should) Sometimes proscriptive (must) adoption fictive
Marriage and Family Cross-cousin (X Cousin) Marriage ego's father's sister's children or mother's brother's children.
Marriage and Family Sex and Marriage Across Cultures Trobriand Islands New Guinea Greece
Marriage and Family Family “…in anthropological terms, it is a group composed of a woman, her dependent children, and at least one adult man joined through marriage or blood relationship” (Haviland 2003: 537). Note on co-operation: Human beings, indeed all social animals, are innately co-operative. So far…… The “family” continues to be the most universal form of human social organization.
Family relatives Nuclear families independence training Extended families dependence training Marriage and Family
Traditional functions of families Emotional nurturance Economic Co-operation Sex control Enculturation Physical nurturance