The Marriage: Positive Behavior Intervention Support & Response to Intervention By: Joey Briggs, Nafeesha Irby, Michelle Mobley, Alexandria Pearson, & Ronica Watford Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) The Case of Shannon Tucker Background: Grade Level: 1 st grade 62 year-old grandmother was given custody over her since birth (has never met her real parents) Lacks socialization skill with peers Informed that she is severely below grade-level when she enters 1 st grade Runs out of seat or out of the classroom every 5-7 minutes (on average) due to intimidation with reading Analysis of Baseline Data: Tier 2 The Student Assistance Team at Jones Middle School decided to collect one week’s worth of data on Shannon Tucker’s behavioral patterns. They noticed that on average, she gets out of her seat between 10 and 16 times within a 45 minute reading block. When she decides to leave her seat, she either disturbs other students, runs into the hallways, or hides in the bathroom. She most frequently does this when asked to read out loud, conduct paired reading with a partner, or engage in any reading/writing activity that will expose her reading gaps. The Student Assistance wants to work on getting Shannon to remain in her seat to avoid disrupting the learning environment and ensure that she is safe within the parameters of the classroom. They also would like to work with her on strategies that she can use to best communicate with the teacher the challenges she is having with the work she is being asked to do to enable her to receive the targeted support she needs. The Replacement Behavior Teach Shannon to recognize when she is becoming frustrated with the reading task given Provide her with a yellow cone to place at the corner of her desk when she needs the teacher’s help to work through a task that she finds difficult Analysis of Progress Monitoring Data: The data reveals that Shannon’s progress was assessed every four weeks and after the first check, her behavior declined. The team thought that this was a good sign that the intervention was working. After 4 weeks, the behavior began to gradually increase. The team realized that they needed to reconvene to develop some next steps and strategies because typically, when an intervention is provided, it is requested that we allow 4-6 weeks to allow an intervention to prove itself effective or ineffective. Suggestions for Next Steps & Sustainability Response to Intervention (RTI) Analysis of Baseline Data Shannon’s teacher decided to collect one weeks worth of DIBELS assessment data. This data is used to determine the level of intervention and support that would be provided to Shannon. Based on the data collection, Shannon is on grade level and will receive Universal Interventions along with all students. It is predicted that Shannon will have a very successful 1 st grade year. The teacher creates goals for Shannon to hit as the year progresses. However, shortly into the school year Shannon’s caregiver passes away and Shannon’s academic levels drop. Shannon transfers to two different schools throughout the school year. Tier 2 Response to Intervention As the school year progressed, Shannon’s DIBELS Scores continued to decrease. Shannon moved from Tier 1 support to receiving more intense secondary interventions. Paired Reading Repeated Reading Sentence Combining Analysis of Progress Monitoring Data: The data shows that Shannon’s progress was assessed once a month for four months, and steadily declined. As the academic progress showed a decline in skills, the team increased the amount of support given to Shannon throughout the month. Shannon is quickly moving towards being high-risk and falling behind her grade level peers.