Population Definitions CBR, CDR, TFR. CBR Crude Birth Rate.


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Presentation transcript:

Population Definitions CBR, CDR, TFR

CBR Crude Birth Rate

O How many people out of 1000 give birth.

Why Are Birth Rates Higher? O Why are birth rates higher in developing countries? O DO. NOT. SAY. “Women in developing countries are less responsible”. That is 100% not true. O ESPN!! (actually….just ES)

O Religious pressure to have large families O Lack of access to affordable birth control means married couples will be unable to prevent pregnancy O Women give birth at younger ages (begin usually around 15 at the age of marriage :-0) and so spend more of their life reproducing O Children = slaves O Children = social security O Pressure to have boys, as girls will leave the house at marriage O Fear that several children will die before adulthood

TFR O Total Fertility Rate O How many children on average each woman can expect to have in a given country.

Crude Death Rate O Out of 1000 people, how many die? O Death rates have fallen. Why?

SAY IT!!!!!! O THE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL TRANSITION!!! O People have gone from dying of contagious disease (epidemic) to degenerative disease (endemic) O Example of contagious disease? O Example of degenerative disease?

O How did we manage to stop dying of epidemic disease?

Epidemiological Transition O This transition was a result of a number of scientific advancements, such as O Vaccines! O Washing your hands between handling dead bodies and helping women give birth! O The science of Epidemiology! (tracking infection to determine source) O Antibiotics! (1940’s… wow, that’s recent) O Not drinking water filled with poo! O And other important medical advances!!!

O Edward Jenner O John Snow O As you’re reading: O How can I explain what happened to my partner? O What was the consequence to Death Rates? O What was the consequence on population?

Total Fertility Rate When It’s Too High, When It’s Too Low, and When It’s JUUUUUUUUUUUST Right

Too High O TFR’s of 3 and over tend to be too high. O Consequence: too many kids, not enough adults to make money to buy them food and stuff O Consequence: Women don’t work, are miserable, etc. O Consequence: Children grow up into an unstable economy with few opportunities

Too High: What to do? O Anti-natal policies O Natal = birth. Anti = against. Against birth policies. O Governments encourage or force fewer children. O Free birth control, free sterilization, forced sterilization, forced abortion, tax breaks, tax penalties. O Countries: India and China

Too Low O TFR’s of 2.0 or lower are too low O Consequence: Population will decrease, meaning there are less consumers to buy things. O Consequence: Less taxpayers mean less revenue. O Consequence: Less workers mean higher wages, which makes the country less competitive.

Too Low: What to do? O Encourage immigration! Or… O Pro-natal O Natal = birth, pro = Promote, so Promote Birth Policies O Governments give tax breaks to parents, pay people to take care of their children (one salary per child) free daycare, maternal and paternal leave, etc. O Notable countries: U.K., France, United States! (but we aren’t very aggressive about it, our TFR is about 1.9).

JUST RIGHT O 2.1 is replacement level TFR, leading to ZPG, which is ideal.

The best way! O Improve healthcare and education, especially of women.

Case Study: China O For decades, China had a one-child policy. O That policy was enforced through O Tax penalties for people with more than one child O Forced abortions and sterilization O The blood police O Public shaming and group punishment

Unintended Consequences O As we read the article, list some unintended consequences (Economic, Social, Political, Environmental) of the One Child Policy.

Research! O Lucky you, your class has time for a research activity!! O Research the CBR, CDR, and TFR of O Nigeria O Swaziland O Brazil O India O Pakistan O Mexico O Italy O Japan O Germany O United Kingdom O Egypt O Haiti O Sudan O Iran O South Korea O Vietnam O Peru O USA is O CBR: 13 O CDR: 8 O TFR: 1.88

O What will happen to the USA in the future economically? O What policies should the USA adopt? O What policies should the country you researched adopt?