2016 A&P Workshop Evaluation Rob Leeds
III. EVALUATION –Include all peer teaching letters as per OSUE guidelines beginning with 2011 –You will have to upload them –Peer teaching letters as per OSUE guidelines 1-2 peer evaluation, be completed annually. Faculty guidelines to obtain 1-2 narrative letters of peer evaluation from an educator or faculty of higher rank.
III. EVALUATION –Also include EEET summary tables received from Program Development and Evaluation Unit. To request your Cumulative EEET Summary Report go to: and request a 5 year EEET comparative report for promotion purposes. The PDE Unit will summaries to you in early March. After review by the candidate, EEET summaries will be sent to the Department Chair by the PDE Unit. –EEET 5 year summary tables 3-5 group evaluations annually
EEETs Group – Forms I, II, IV –When should it be used? At the end of a meeting / teaching session / teaching event. This form is intended to be used with groups of 5 or more individuals Group Form III –When should it be used? At the end of a meeting / teaching session / teaching event. This form is intended to be used with groups of 5 or more individuals -- either those with low- literacy skills or children.
Evaluation Narrative Make sure the person collecting the forms fills out the cover sheet before mailing the EEET s Be sure the Presentation Title matches the subject taught in your teaching table
Evaluation Narrative 7) Evaluation of Teaching What Tools did you use? Should be the shortest part of narrative What knowledge did you gain? What did you do well What variables need work How did you use the knowledge? What did you change because of the EEET results
LETTERS OF EVALUATION The Regional Director / Associate Chair and Department Chair will be responsible for identifying colleagues, clientele and external program users as evaluators. –At least six (6) evaluators will be contacted. –Internal evaluators should be OSU professionals at least one Extension specialist, and a person who serves/leads a team on which candidate is an active member. –A majority must be solicited from individuals not suggested solely by the candidate Unsolicited letters of evaluation or letters of evaluation solicited by someone other than the Department Chair or Regional Director / Associate Chair will not be included.