Learning & Language Modules: Learning strategies Neuropsychology of Learning; Left & Right Brain Individual learning style & 7 Intelligence Profile Language strategies Reading strategies for understanding Writing for Clarity * Active Creative Revision Mind Maps and Metacogs® -Synthesising to remember using you individual style Mnemonics * Dealing with Exam Questions: Today Time Management & Scheduling: Today Managing Stress: EPLE * Feuerstein Programme: Problem Solving Skills
Learning & Language Community of Practice Your Dream Energises your Journey Master! R o I Periphery You (Pty) Ltd!
Knowledge Gained Today Dealing with Exam Questions + Mnemonics Summarising effectively: Writing for Clarity Wellness: EPLE Tasks Due So Far for Formative Assessment Half page reflection on Multiple Intelligence Profile and Felder Learning Styles and impact of this insight on changes to own learning strategy Table (contract with self) on actions to improve vocabulary and reading rate Metacog® of Introduction chapter to section 3 of Sociology core text. To consolidate understanding to date: Poster Preparation, presentation, group assessments Task due 9 March: Year Planner, Monthly Planner and Weekly Planner to next set of tests Final task Due Week 1 of Term 2: PoE Summative Assessment Learning & Language
EXAM QUESTIONS 2010 Sources: Like any other kind of writing, answering Exam questions requires practice before it becomes easier. If you find yourself struggling with exam questions, look for old exam questions to practice on at home and take the exam. Give yourself plenty of time to prepare for this kind of writing under time pressure. TO PREPARE CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING STEPS: Begin studying early. Understand new vocabulary, key definitions and concepts. Identify everything that was emphasized in class and understand it thoroughly. Combine Combine all the material together in a visual revision tool: make lists, tables, class notes. ‘Teach’ each other. That way you make sure you understand what you teach. Brainstorm possible questions with several other students. Practice on sample questions (if you have any).
EXAM QUESTIONS 2010 AT THE EXAM (short and essay type answers) Reading through the entire test does help you plan your approach to the test. As you go through the exam, note which sections call for Multiple Choice and / or short answers. Pay special attention to the items that give you choices. If the test indicates how many points are attached to each question, plan to answer the heavily weighted questions first. If you blank out, plan to tackle that one late in the test session. Read each question carefully.
EXAM QUESTIONS 2010 Think about what kind of writing the key word or words call for. The most important reason to practice is because you'll identify the key words and click onto the kinds of writing you should do more and more automatically. Describe: For many essay questions, being asked to "describe" means writing about what you've seen.Describe Analyze in a test question usually means "take this concept apart and look at the relationships among parts."Analyze Compare basically asks the writer to take two or more objects, theories, events, concepts, or explanations and show the similarities and contrasts between them.Compare Evaluate requires a judgment about which theory, application, approach, etc., is superior and why.Evaluate Argue asks you specifically to take a position and defend it.Argue Explain as a key word that calls for more exploration of the rest of the question.Explain Define is a translation of a technical term into language anyone could understand and builds on strategies for definition.Define Generalize means you need to see you move from the particular to the general or from the concrete to the abstract.Generalize List suggests that you can jot down single words or phrases quickly.List Reflect asks you to express how the ideas or applications you've been studying have affected your personal point of view.Reflect Discuss it might be most appropriate to describe, analyze, or explainDiscuss
EXAM QUESTIONS 2010 Make notes to yourself of the points you want to cover in the response. Begin your response by echoing the question. Answering multiple choice questions (MCQs) Before you begin taking the exam, enter all pieces of required information on your answer sheet. If you forget to enter your name and ID number your results may never be scored. Remember: your instructor will not be able to identify you by your handwriting. There is no good substitute for knowing the right answer. Read the instructions carefully Read through the test a second time and answer the more difficult questions If time allows, review both questions and answers As you approach each question, always cover up the possible responses while you read the question: Try and anticipate the correct response before you are distracted by seeing the options that your instructor has provided. If you see the response that you anticipated, circle it and then check to be sure that none of the other responses is better. If you do not see a response that you expected, read all the choices carefully and cross out any answers that are obviously wrong. This leaves fewer to choose from. Transfer all responses to the answer sheet, once you have marked all the answers on your ‘hard copy’ exam paper. Take the time to check your work before you hand in the answer sheet.