PEER EVALUATION - ESSENTIALS HEARTS: You are responsible for organization. Highlight the thesis, any transitions, restated thesis, topic sentences, etc. SPADES: You are responsible for evidence. Highlight any evidence (directly quoted and/or paraphrased within the essay). Also, be sure to highlight the lead-ins to the quotes and any citations. CLUBS: You are responsible for style/conventions. Highlight any glaring errors including (but not limited to) use of any personal pronouns or you, use of contractions, spelling errors, punctuation errors, etc. DIAMONDS: You are responsible for word choice. Highlight any power verbs, content specific vocabulary, or other words that are used effectively. Place a circle around any words such as “a lot,” “things,” “good,” and any other word that needs to be replaced.
PEER EVALUATION - RUBRIC Once we have looked at the technical aspects of the paper, you will now look at content. Please go back to your group and trade papers with a partner. You will have two people read your paper and complete the “Synthesis Essay Peer Rubric.” Please complete it honestly and with constructive criticism Our hope is to provide feedback that will make you a better writer.
PEER EVALUATION – FINAL THOUGHTS Once you have reviewed the essays of two of your peers, look through their feedback and answer the reflection questions on a separate sheet of paper. 1.Look through the feedback. What do you agree with? What do you disagree with? Why? 2.After looking through the feedback, what grade do you think you earned on the essay? Why? 3.What was easy for you in completing and writing this synthesis essay? Why? 4.What was hard for you in completing and writing this synthesis essay? Why?
WHAT DO I NEED TO TURN IN? TOP Essay Peer Rubric Reflection BOTTOM Please turn in your source conversation chart separately.