BOLT in June Overview Dina Vyortkina Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 1
This week You will receive: week 4 feedback (paper on VL) Sandbox SA overview 2
Week 5: Standards Standards – See Instructional Overview – Standards timeline and description (dipity) – Group work Deadlines – Work in groups—throughout – Post final product Sunday, June 12 – Complete self-and peer-evaluation by Monday, June 13 Blog entries Cool Tool 3
Week 5 Extras Couse blog Course wiki on group norms and groundrules Cool Tool: dipity Webinar: Models of Blended Learning: What Works for Your District Thursday, June 9, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. EDT. Districts today are looking for new ways to effectively implement technology that can engage students and boost academic achievement. Blended learning, the teaching practice that combines both face-to-face and online learning, offers several models of instruction to engage students in and out of the classroom. It has proven highly effective in helping schools and districts address the challenges of student achievement, limited resources, and the expectations of 21st century learners. It is also the fastest growing component of online learning. 4
Week 6: Our Learners Multiple resources Semi-structures interview—PLAN NOW – See Instructional Overview – Have a digital native? – Results to be shared on a class DB (summary and reflections) – Multiple formats Deadlines for PQP: DB 6/15, 6/17, 6/19 5
Week 6 Extras Free Webinar: The Online Learning Imperative: A Solution to Three Looming Crises in Education Date: Thursday, June 16, 2011 Time: 2:00pm ET Duration: 1 hour Bob Wise, former governor of West Virginia and current president of the Alliance for Excellent Education, leads this webinar. In his presentation, he describes the three major crises in K-12 education in the United States--teacher shortages, state budget shortfalls, and low student achievement--and explains how technology and online learning can lead the U.S. education system out of them. 6
Week 7: Learning Theories Various resources Instructional Overview with a sample Matrix of learning theories – Table – Concept map – Any way you prefer Deadline: Class DB 6/26 Blog entries Cool Tool 7
Week 8: Intro to Digital Pedagogy See resources See Instructional Overview BOLT course in Fall 2011 Runs into July 4 th weekend—plan ahead! 2 options to choose from – Related to standards discussed week 5 8