Parallel human genome analysis: Microarray-based expression monitor of 1000 genes 班級:生科四乙 指導老師:藍清隆 姓名:郭瑜芬 Mark Schena, Dari Shalon, Renu Heller, Andrew Chai, Patrick O. Brown, and ronald W. Davis
1.The microarrays they used containing 1046 human cDNAs of unknown sequence which came from T cell were printed on glass. 2.The cDNA “chips” were uesed to quantitatively monitor differential expression of human gene which were under different condition. 3.Finally, they characterized those genes by sequencing.
In this article, the authors wanted to tell us: 1.The identification of known and novel heat shock and phorbol ester-regulated genes in human T cell demonstrates the sensitivity of the assay. 2.Parallel gene analysis with microarays provides a rapid and efficient method for largescale human gene discovery
What is “microarray”?
What is “T cell”?
Method and result
Part a. How many hybridization signals can observe in these cDNA array?
Method DNA source Prepare Probe cDNA Prepare Target cDNA LabelingMicrospotting Hybridization Microarray Detection and analysis Jurkat cell’s cDNA
To make the cDNA libary Reverse transcription cDNA ΛYES-R cDNA
To infect into E. coli and propagate JM107/ λ KC Propagate Cell lysisPCR amplification
Microarray preparation ﹡ A total of 1056 cDNAs, representing 1046 human clones and 10 Arabudiosis controls.
To prepare probe and label To isolate Jurkat mRNA Reverse transcrioption +Cy5-dCTP Probe ﹡ Arabidopsis control mRNAs were doped into the reverse transcription reaction at ratios of 1:100000,1:10000,1:1000(wt/wt) Jurkat cell 25 ℃ 43 ℃
Conclusion 1.Hubridzation signals were observed to >95% of the human cDNA array element, but not to any of the Arabidopsis. 2.Fluorescence intensities spanned more than three orders of magnitude for the 1046 array elements surveyed.
Part b-1. In heat shock, how many genes can be active or repress and what are they?
The pathway of heat shock in T cell
DNA source Prepare Probe cDNA Prepare Target cDNA LabelingMicrospotting Hybridization Microarray Detection and analysis Jurkat cell’s cDNA Method
To prepare probe and label Jurkat cell 25 ℃ 43 ℃ To isolate Jurkat mRNA +Fluorescein +Cy5-dCTP Probe Reverse transcription
Part b-2. The result of the microarray at part b-1 is correct?
RNA source Prepare Probe RNA Prepare Target RNA LabelingSpotting Hybridization Detection and analysis Method
RNA dot plot Hybridiztion +probe
Part c-1. In phorbol ester treatment, how many genes can be active or repress and what are they?
The pathway of PKC activation in T cell
Phorbol ester In the experiment, the purpose of phorbol ester is active protein kinase C.
DNA source Prepare Probe cDNA Prepare Target cDNA LabelingMicrospotting Hybridization Microarray Detection and analysis Method
To prepare probe and label Jurkat cell Untreat +Phorbol ester(4hr) To isolate Jurkat mRNA +Fluorescein +Cy5-dCTP Probe
Part c-2. The result of the microarray at part C-2 is correct?
Method RNA source Prepare Probe RNA Prepare Target RNA LabelingSpotting Hybridization Detection and analysis
Part d. Can microarray be used to monitor expression in human tissue?
Method RNA source Prepare Probe mRNA Prepare Target RNA LabelingSpotting Hybridization Detection and analysis
To prepare probe and label 1.Human tissue Bone marrow Brain Prostate heart transcription +Cy5-dCTP Probe 2.Jurkat cell transcription +Fluorescein Probe