ATTENDANCE SHEETS Vital information re membership Columns re joining / upgrading Please send names / copies to Sarah Rewards if enquiry turns into a member!!
MEMBER GET A MEMBER Re-vamped Scheme Donation of £35 for each new member who joins (not students) Options - discount to nominated members sub - donation to MBT - Donation to your local society Paid as part of grant, every 6 months
CHARTERED ENVIRONMENTALIST New qualification Attractive to members of all disciplines Ask membership for more details Look at the Guide!
REPORT BACK FROM SCIENCE COUNCIL AND ENGINEERING COUNCIL Recent Reviews by both organisations have been positive ECUK visiting again in the Autumn
MORE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Mentoring Scrutineering Interviewing
LOCAL SOCIETY SCHOOL LIAISON OFFICERS Following Fellows’ Discussion Group Build relationships between schools and IOM3 members Encourage members to be STEM ambassadors
MORE WOMEN FELLOWS NEEDED Only 92 women Fellows!! ~ 3300 men!! Please let Sarah have suggestions or encourage suitable candidates to apply!!
MORE IEng / EngTech MEMBERS NEEDED Targets!! Contact Sarah / Pass on Membership Forms Professional Qualifications more important now than ever!!
CONTACT DETAILS Website Sarah Boad –tel direct / voic – –take a card! THANKS FOR LISTENING ! ANY QUESTIONS?