Community Actions for Research Infrastructures Oslo, October 2010 Anna Maria Johansson, DG RTD Research Infrastructures.


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Presentation transcript:

Community Actions for Research Infrastructures Oslo, October 2010 Anna Maria Johansson, DG RTD Research Infrastructures

Content 1.Research Infrastructures in ERA 2.Preparatory Phase 3.ESFRI and the European Roadmap for RIs 4.A new legal framework for RIs: ERIC

Research Infrastructures (incl. e-infrastructures) are lFacilities, resources, and related services used by the scientific community for èConducting leading-edge research èKnowledge transmission, knowledge exchanges and knowledge preservation lToday Research Infrastructures Includes èMajor scientific equipment èScientific collections, archives and structured information èICT-based infrastructures èEntities of a unique nature, used for research

Objectives of the FP7 Research Infrastructures actions Optimising the use and development of the best existing research infrastructures in Europe Helping to create in all fields of S & T new research infrastructures of pan-European interest needed by the European scientific community Supporting programme implementation and policy development (e.g. international cooperation)

Existing Infrastructures Design studies New Infrastructures Construction (preparatory phase; construction phase) FP7 Research Infrastructures actions Integrating activities e-infrastructures Policy Development and Programme Implementation Indicative budget 1000 M€ Indicative budget 600 M€ Indicative budget 80 M€

Content 1.Research Infrastructures in ERA 2.Preparatory Phase 3.ESFRI and the European Roadmap for RIs 4.A new legal framework for RIs: ERIC

Construction of new infrastructures (or major upgrades) stage 1 - support to the preparatory phase (legal organisation, management structure, financial planning…) stage 2 - support to the implementation phase (the actual construction)  Only for projects which have sufficiently progressed in the preparatory phase  Mainly to be supported by Member States  EC financial support limited to cases where there is a critical need for such support

Stage 1 Preparatory phase - purpose  To provide a framework facilitating decision-making between partners from different countries  To address all the critical issues (legal, financial,..) that need to be resolved  To conclude “agreement(s)” between the funding parties and other partners involved allowing the project to move forward

Legal work, e.g. To establish the legal basis for the new pan- European Research Infrastructures Governance and logistic work, e.g. Plans in terms of decision making, management structure, advisory bodies, IPR, access rule, Staff recruitment, researchers support…. Financial work, e.g. Financial arrangements for construction, operation and decommission of the facility … Stage 1 Preparatory phase What can/should be done ?

Strategic work, e.g. Plans to integrate the new RI in the EU fabric of related facilities, Identification of best possible site(s), systems, etc. Planning of research services to be provided at international level, etc. Technical work, e.g. Draft engineering plans for construction, Final prototypes, New processing protocols, software, etc. Stage 1 What can be done ?

Stage 1 Who are the participants ? Consortia should involve all stakeholders necessary to make the project a reality  e.g. ministries, governments, research councils, funding agencies from interested countries + as appropriate, research centres, universities, industries, … Minimum 3 participants from 3 Member States or Associated States Open to participants from third countries Possibility for new participants to join at later stage

Activities  balanced: legal, financial, governance, strategic work; limited technical work Final deliverable(s)  Legal, administrative, financial and technical agreement(s) between the partners of countries involved allowing the project to move forward Participants  All the stakeholders necessary to make the projects a reality (notably funding agencies) Stage 1 Preparatory phase Summary

Content 1.Research Infrastructures in ERA 2.Preparatory Phase 3.ESFRI and the European Roadmap for RIs 4.A new legal framework for RIs: ERIC

Towards a coherent policy for Research Infrastructures: ESFRI lA European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (launched in April 2002) lBrings together representatives of the 27 Member States, Associated States, and one representative of the European Commission (EC) lTo discuss the long term vision at European level and to support the development of a European RI policy èA Roadmap Report with 44 projects èWorth ~18 B€ investments over the next ~10 years

The ESFRI roadmap Identifies 44 new (or major upgrade of) Research Infrastructures of pan-European interest The EC funds 3 additional projects from the CERN Council strategic roadmap for particle physics* Distributed research infrastructures Single sited research infrastructures Social Sc. & Hum. ( 5 ) Life Sciences ( 10 ) Environmental Sciences ( 10 ) Material and Analytical Facilities ( 6 ) Physics and Astronomy ( 11 ) Energy ( 4 ) e-Infra- structures (1) SHAREBBMRIELIXIRICOS EURO- ARGO EUROFELELITIARA *ECCSELPRACE European Social Survey ECRIN INFRA FRONTIER LIFEWATCHIAGOSEMFLPRINSCTAJHR CESSDAINSTRUCTEATRISEMSOEPOS European XFEL SPIRAL2FAIRIFMIF CLARIN EU- OPENSCRE EN EMBRCSIOSEISCAT_3D ESRF Upgrade E-ELTSKAHiPER DARIAH Euro BioImaging ERINHA BSL4 Lab COPAL AURORA BOREALIS NEUTRON ESS KM3NeT ILC- HIGRADE * ILL20/20 Upgrade SLHC-PP * The term “distributed RI”, as used by ESFRI, refers to a facility with one unique name and legal status, one management structure, one strategy and development plan, and having one annual report and fiscal address although its research facilities are located in different sites and different countries

Observations The ESFRI roadmap The ESFRI roadmap includes both well matured projects (many of them single-sited ones) and new projects that took form during the elaboration of the ESFRI roadmap (often the distributed ones)  single-sited RIs tends to be much more advanced in their development (6 already in construction) Some ESFRI projects are new “green field” projects. Others are building on existing centres and sometimes pre-existing networks  projects face different challenges in how far they have to raise new money for their realisation

Observed impacts The ESFRI Roadmap … Attracted Member State’s attention to the importance of RIs and to the projects of the ESFRI roadmap Stimulated the development of national roadmaps and the setting-up of priorities in relation to the ESFRI roadmap Mobilised many countries to host an ESFRI project or participate in others The ESFRI roadmap

Potential further impacts Harmonization/standardization in the operation of distributed RIs Coordination and optimisation of national and European investments European projects stimulate complementary national investment (e.g. development of national Centers for Free-Electron Laser Science to take advantage of opportunities that will be offered by X-FEL) The ESFRI roadmap

Implementation of ESFRI roadmap Approval and financial commitments by decision makers for a project requires:  Convincing scientific case  Consolidated design of the proposed infrastructure  Sound/strong business case covering: ­Cost ­Schedule ­Governance ­Access policy A considerable investment of time and resources is needed before a decision can be taken

Implementation of ESFRI roadmap To bring the ESFRI projects to the level of legal, financial and technical maturity required for decision making  providing a framework allowing all necessary stakeholders to cooperate Two calls for proposals (192 M€ total)  44 projects funded FP7 support for the Preparatory Phase

1.Inherent complexity of the process of developing major projects in partnerships between several countries  many delays associated with international negotiations and national decision-making 2.Large number of projects (47) all being discussed at the same time in the context of a major economic crisis  requiring major financial investment (~20 b€)  long term commitment for operation (~2 b€/year) A real challenge Implementation of ESFRI roadmap

Content 1.Research Infrastructures in ERA 2.Preparatory Phase 3.ESFRI and the European Roadmap for RIs 4.A new legal framework for RIs: ERIC

A new European legal framework for ERIs lNecessity of a new Legal Framework, at Community level, for the construction and operation of European Research Infrastructures èA legal personality recognised in all Member States èTo facilitate the joint establishment and operation throughout Europe lEU Commission decision end of July 2008, and adoption by the EU Council end of June 2009 lCouncil Regulation (EC) No 723/2009 of 25 June 2009, published in the Official Journal of the European Union L 206/1 EN on

Useful RI links lFP7 and Capacities Specific Programme lResearch Infrastructures on CORDIS (FP6) lESFRI (Eur. Strategy Forum for Research Infrastr.) lResearch Infrastructures in Europa