Achieving Success in the Competent Leadership Manual - Sujit Sukumaran DTM
CL Manual - An Overview Self Mastery Strategic Planning Team Management P1 – Listening and Leadership P2 – Critical Thinking P3 – Giving Feedback P4 – Time Management P5 – Planning and Implementation P6 – Organising and Delegating P7 - Developing your Facilitation Skills P8 - Motivating People P9 - Mentoring P10-Team Building
Project 1 – Listening and Leadership Requirements: Serve in any 3 of the 4 roles Speech Evaluator Table Topics Speaker Ah-Counter Grammarian Estimated time to complete: 3 meetings Ease of completion: Very easy
Project 2 – Critical Thinking Requirements: Serve in any 2 of the 3 roles Speech Evaluator Grammarian General Evaluator Estimated time to complete: 3 to 5 meetings Ease of Completion: The GE role is the tough one. If roles 1 and 2 are taken, can be done faster
Project 3 – Giving Feedback Requirements: Serve in all 3 roles Speech Evaluator Grammarian General Evaluator Estimated time to complete: 3 meetings Ease of Completion: Normal
Project 4 – Time Management Requirements: Serve as timer and in 1 of the other 3 roles Timer Toastmaster of the Day Speaker Grammarian Table Topic Master Estimated time to complete: 2 meetings Ease of Completion: Normal; Grammarian + Speaker has better yield for CC
Project 5 – Planning and Implementation Requirements: Serve in any 3 of 4 roles Speaker General Evaluator Toastmaster of the Day Table Topic Master Estimated time to complete: 3 meetings Ease of Completion: Normal; TMOD + Speaker + GE has better yield for CC in terms of net stage time
Points to ponder….. What ways might work to encourage members to progress through their CL manual? The key hindrance is the lack of a visibility in the achievement of different projects on the agenda or awards. Solution: Use the Competent Leader Achievement Chart – from the store and display it with member names in the club meetings. When the writing is on the wall, its hard to not “achieve”
Project 6 – Organizing and Delegating Requirements: Serve in any 1 of 6 roles Help organise a club speech contest Help organise a club special event Help organise a club membership campaign or contest Help organise a public relations campaign Help produce the club newsletter Assist the club’s Webmaster Estimated time to complete: No specific time Ease of Completion: Hard; since it is event-dependent
Project 7 – Developing your facilitation skills Requirements: Serve in any 2 of 4 roles Toastmaster of the Day General Evaluator Table Topics Master Befriend a guest at a club meeting Estimated time to complete: 2 meetings Ease of Completion: Easy; ensure you do the 4 th role always, it’s a great service
Points to ponder….. Why is the CL manual neglected? The VP Eds have no problem getting CCs but logging CL is a pain. Solution: Bring the CL manual to every meeting. A good idea may be to leave it with the Club SAA so it is not forgotten. Also VPED to assign evaluators for each CL role and log immediately before the close of the meeting
Project 8 – Motivating People Requirements: Serve as a chairman for either role (1) or (2) and Serve in any 2 of roles (3) to (5) Club membership campaign or contest chairman Club public relations campaign chairman Toastmaster Speech Evaluator General Evaluator Estimated time to complete: 2 meetings Ease of Completion: Easy if you choose task 1a. Otherwise longer periods needed
Project 9 – Mentoring Requirements: Serve in any 1 of the 3 roles Mentor a new member Mentor an existing member Serve as a Guidance Committee Member (HPL) Estimated time to complete: Can be duration or project based Ease of Completion: Easy if you define period. Otherwise longer time is needed
Project 10 – Team Building Requirements: Serve in both role (1) and (2), or Serve in 1 of the roles (3) to (7) Toastmaster General Evaluator Club membership Campaign or Contest Chairman Club Public Relations Campaign Chairman Club Speech Contest Chairman Club Special Event Chairman Club Newsletter Editor or Webmaster Estimated time to complete: First option – 2 meetings; others take longer Ease of Completion: Easy if you take first option. Otherwise longer time is needed
What’s next? Bring your Competent Leadership manual to every meeting Plan with the VPE to program your leadership project Ask a member to evaluate you for the role completed during the meeting Ask the VPE to sign off completed projects Ask the VPE to apply for your CL award
What will you achieve? You will be a better leader You will learn by fulfilling club leadership roles You will achieve your Competent Leader award 1 DCP point for your club
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