{ October 2014 Meeting
Emma Watson’s #HeForShe Campaign Speech at the United Nations
Opening announcements Collect Officer Applications Discuss dues and distribute registration papers Open floor for project discussions Introduce AAUW’s “Elect-Her Program” Next meeting information October 9, 2014 Agenda
Officer Applications are due today! We will have our officers selected by the next meeting.
Please fill out this registration form and turn it in at the next meeting. Our annual dues are $15 Once you become a senior, we will award you with your free AAUW graduation cord at the time of your graduation! Dues
In order to be a national member of AAUW and be able to attend conferences at a discount, you should register at the E-Student Affiliate Join Application: member.asp member.asp Select “West Virginia University”. WVU is partner member with AAUW, so you will not have to pay the $17 registration fee. WVU is free! National AAUW Registration
Current Issues Fair Pay Health Care LGBTQ Issues Reproductive Rights Sexual Harassment STEM Education Student Loan Debt Title IX Violence against Women Women in Leadership Work-Life Balance Which ones would we like to focus on for our projects and programs?
One-day, 4.5-hour training. Campus administrators, students, and local AAUW members collaborate with AAUW and Running Start staff to plan the trainings each year. 50 campuses will host Elect Her sessions. Participants practice hands-on campaign skills, hear from inspiring local speakers, and discuss research on women in government. AAUW’s “Elect-Her” Program
Next Meeting Thursday, November 13 th 6:00 PM Shenandoah Room of the Mountainlair