Residues, Contaminants and Adulterants By IRENE MBATIDDE
Definitions Residues: A small amount of something that remains after the main part has gone or been taken or used. Drugs and chemical residues Adulterants: An adulterant is a substance found within other substances
Definition….. Contaminants: Are substances that have not been intentionally added to food. These substances may be present in food as a result of the various stages of its production, packaging, transport or holding. They also might result from environmental contamination.
Examples ResiduesContaminantsAdulterants Drugs(Anti-biotics, steroid hormones, growth hormones) Micro-organisms(bacteria)JIK MycotoxinsHairSodium carbonate Heavy metals(Pb, Cd,CuDustFormalin Pestcides and InsectcidesRubbishWater Mud
Occurrence in milk Residues None observance of drug withdraw periods Ingestion of contaminated food stuffs Excessive consumption of heavy metals Poor drug management on farms Contaminants Udder infection(Mastitis)
Occurrence.. The teat exterior and its immediate surroundings The milking and milk handling equipment. Personnel Environment Adultrants Intetionally added to;
Occurrence… Increase volume Shelf life Kill micro-organisms Meet milk quality test
Public health hazards Anti biotic resistance Allergic reactions GIT irritations
Control measures Proper farm management practices HACCP guidelines should be followed Institute a robust milk traceability system Grading and pricing of milk according to quality
Conclusion Stringent measures must be instituted at the different levels to avoid residues, contaminants and adulterants in milk