1 R3 R1 R5 R4 R6 R2 B B A A
2 Looking at the Code Under the View menu Select Source
3 A Simple HTML document My first page A simple page with just this sentence
5 Text Formatting Paragraph and Education provides a better understanding of life – e-commerce You can also use Left or Right Line break Education provides a better understanding of life
6 More Text Formatting Bold and Italics and Underlined and BIG and small and
7 Font Font face internet Font size from 1 to 7 and Font color e-commerce internet and e- commerce
8 Example Code This is my main title Here is the first paragraph. This is some bold text This text is in the Arial font.
11 Item1 Item2 Item3 Item1 Item2 Item3
12 Image example
13 On Sale Cassettes
15 Links in HTML Computer Science Welcome to Virtual University in Pakistanhttp://
16 Mailto Link address
17 Changing Colors in a Page ‘bgcolor’ refers to a six digit code based on hexadecimal numbers, e,g, #00FF00 (Green) _ _ _ _ _ _ Red Green Blue –‘filename’ refers to the image file name in.gif or.jpg etc. format
19 Computer Science Welcome to Virtual University inhttp:// Pakistan
20 Title and Meta Tags Introduction to e-commerce Page goes here
22 Basic tags Tables use following basic tag: – (table row tag) and are used to create/add a row (table data tag) and are used to divide a row into number of columns to create cells (table header tag) and labels each column as a heading Caption of the table
23 A basic 2 row, 2 column table Cell1 Cell2 Cell3 Cell4 Cell 1Cell 2 Cell 3Cell 4
24 A slightly different table Cell1 Cell2 Cell3 Cell 1 Cell 2Cell 3
25 Try coding… Try to code the following table design: Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3
27 Example - COLSPAN Example - COLSPAN Spanning the text This line is extended to two columns This does not First Column Second Column Third Column
30 Example - ROWSPAN Spanning Text Example - ROWSPAN This line is stretched to two rows First Row Second Row This does not Third Row
31 Table tag attributes –Border - –Width - –Height - –Cellpadding - –Cellspacing - –Color - or
32 Attributes for tag –Width - –Align - –Valign-
34 Example - Margin A Page with a Left-Hand Margin This section contains the contents of your web page.
35 Forms A form is a web page populated with text boxes, drop- down lists and commands buttons to get information from the user - and Types –Submit/Reset button –Text boxes –Text area –Check boxes –Radio buttons –Lists
37 Example -Submit Submit Button An example of Submit button:
39 Example – Text Box & Text Area Text Area Example Today's Burning Question First Name: Last Name: Today's Burning Question : How to make Pakistan a developed country? Please enter your answer in the text area below: