Jan 25-29
Art 1- 2,4,6,7 2 nd and 4 th only Weekly due Sketchbook- open to drawing and put date on back Bring it to me open Get white sheet of duplicating paper from table and your animal- Watch video on how to make animal and pinch pots Broken animal into piece diagram- Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Art 1- 5 th Sketchbook- open to drawing and put date on back Bring it to me open Get white sheet of duplicating paper from table and your animal- Watch video on how to make animal and pinch pots Broken animal into piece diagram- Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Art 1-Graphic Med Product design wrapping up Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Tuesday Art 1- 2,4,6,7 6 and 7 th weekly due Friday Put backpack on tables not on floor Get out your questions 1-6 put your name on it and place on table by door- If you did not have your animal photo yesterday see me today!! Get piece of tape and use marker to put your name on it – then tape it to your desk Get blue mat, piece of string, 2 pumps of paper towel, Wash your hands with soap and water if you have put lotion on them today- then get cup of cold water Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Clay - I will pass it out- when you get it Gently open the bag as you will need to keep- take the string and cut the clay into 2 pieces- try to get it as even as you can Roll each piece into a sphere and place on the blue mat Stop touching the clay as soon as you can Make pinch pot- together You make a pinch pot- I grade Clean up- place piece in your plastic bag- secure with out air with tape-(teacher will demonstrate) place on tray for your rows- put all equipment back in place. Wash hands with warm water- bring paper towel you dry your hands with back to your desk and wipe off your desk
Tuesday – art 1 5th Get out your questions 1-6 put your name on it and place on table by door- If you did not have your animal photo yesterday see me today!! Get piece of tape and use marker to put your name on it – then tape it to your desk Get blue mat, piece of string, 2 pumps of paper towel, Wash your hands with soap and water if you have put lotion on them today- then get cup of cold water Put rings in your pocket!!!! Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Tuesday- Graphic media Project Logo Advertisement of project- Work on the work Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Wednesday Art 1 2,4,6,7 6 th and 7 th weekly due Friday Get animal drawing and photo from stack- Take off rings and put in safe place Get blue mat, clean up tool, ½ cup cool water and paper towel Clay will be distributed- Make body of animal And start sculpting the parts. Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Wednesday Art 1- 5th Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Wednesday Graphic Media Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Thursday Art 1 2,4,6,7 6 th and 7 th weekly due tomorrow Bring in bowl by Monday all classes You can do this!!- get ½ cold water, blue mat, clean up tool and animal parts. Don’t let the clay overwhelm you - The day the animals come to life- Sculpting- modeling and assembling Remember to poke a hole in the body if you put the head on it. Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Thursday Art 1- 5th Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Thursday Graphic Media Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Friday Art 1 2 nd, 4 th, 6 th and 7 th 6 th and 7 th only Sketchbook- open to drawing and put date on back Bring it to me open Bring in bowl by Monday all classes You can do this!!- get ½ cold water, blue mat, clean up tool and animal parts. Don’t let the clay overwhelm you - The day the animals come to life- Sculpting- modeling and assembling Remember to poke a hole in the body if you put the head on it. Clubs clean up time changed!! No clubs 2 nd work on animal. Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Friday Art 1 5th Sketchbook- open to drawing and put date on back Bring it to me open Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Friday Graphic Media open drawing for grading and save as initials_11_13 Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-