How far away can a shark smell blood? ALL: will form a simple conclusion based on experimental evidence MOST: will link their conclusions to previous scientific explanations SOME: Will link their conclusions to the adaptations of a shark.
TASK: Discuss the claim with your partners -do you agree? -could there be a scientific explanation? Scientists say ‘surf in cold water, it is safer than warm’
By the end of the allocated time last lesson… You should have: 1)Identified the independent, dependent and control variables. 2)Obtained an accurate set of results.
This lesson you need to…. 1)Present your results in a suitable table and plot a graph 2)Form a conclusion based on the results and any knowledge you have on the spreading of particles.
All will be able to produce an appropriate results table on the shark attack investigation Most will be able to produce a suitable graph without help Some will be able to fully explain any relationships found using the correct scientific theory Literacy Objective: Using key Words to form an explanation Numeracy: Calculation of mean averages and graph scaling
Plotting a scatter graph. What we changed. What we measured Success Criteria: 1.The graph should take up the whole page. 2.There should be a title and both axis labelled. 3.The scale should be sensible and clear. 4.The graph should be drawn with a pencil and a ruler. 5.The graph should be labelled in pen. Success Criteria: 1.The graph should take up the whole page. 2.There should be a title and both axis labelled. 3.The scale should be sensible and clear. 4.The graph should be drawn with a pencil and a ruler. 5.The graph should be labelled in pen.
TASK: Use your verbal understanding and your results from the experiment to write a conclusion to the question: “Is Surfing in cold water is safer than surfing in hot water?”
Your conclusion 1. You need to explain the basic pattern in your data. 2. Use examples from the data to support what you are saying. 3. Use as many of the following key words as possible to explain the pattern: You can use the dictionaries, textbooks and information sheet to help you. Diffusion Particles Concentration Spread Liquid Movement
Your task You are going to watch a video which explains why sharks have such an incredible sense of smell In pairs you will have some key words connected to the video clip. You need to provide as much detail as you can about why the word has been included.
Let’s link it to sharks…..
Seal Olfactory Sac Zigzag Oil Glands Odour Names:_____________________________________
Plenary – Apply your knowledge of diffusion to a new situation Use the subject specific key words.