Mongol Empire
Aim How did the Mongols build a great empire?
Do Now: U7D10 Please complete the Do Now: Mongol Empire Homework: Read Chapter 10, Section 2 Part Three, and then answer the questions posted on my website; submit to by 8am tomorrow
PQ1 What is the origin of the Mongol Empire?
Mongol Empire
PQ2 Who were the Mongols?
PQ3 How did Genghis Khan lead his people?
PQ4 Why was Mongol military technology so effective?
Activity You will see four Mongol military technologies Please complete the activity sheet
Mongolian Armor and the Horse
Bows, Arrows, and a Quiver
Mongolian Saddle and Stirrup
Mongolian Trebuchet
Question Which of these technologies was most useful?
Exit Card Question: How did the Mongols build a great empire?