Chronology of the complete works of William Shakespeare Chronology of the complete works of William Shakespeare “Henry VI” (part 2; 3) “Henry VI” (part 1) “Richard III”, “Comedy of Errors” “Titus Andronicus”, Taming of the Shrew” “Two gentlemen of Verona”,“Lover’s complaint”, “Romeo & Juliet” “Richard II”, “A midsummer night’s dream” “King John”, “The Merchant of Venice” “Henry IV” (part 1); “Henry IV” (Part 2) “Much Ado About Nothing”, “Henry V” “Julius Caesar”, “As you like it”, “Twelfth night”
“Hamlet”, “The Merry Wives of Windsor” “Troilus & Cressida” “All’s well that end’s well” “Measure for Measure”, “Othello” “King Lear”, “Macbeth” “Antony & Cleopatra” “Coriolanus”, “Timon of Athens” “Pericles, Prince of Tyre” “Cymbeline” “Winter’s Tale” “The Tempest” “Henry VIII”
Mares said: If muses knew English Language, of course they would speak only Shakespeare’s beautiful, affectionate, tender and sweet Language.
B. Johnson calls Shakespeare “Heart of his time”. He writes: “Our Lily’s and brave Kid’s or Marla's poems are nonsense if we compare them with Shakespeare’s poems.” Shakespeare had such fantasy and wonderful language, so could write fast and easily.”
Czechoslovakian - Julius Fuchic said: Hamlet of Khamza theatre is real & ideal hero of Shakespeare whom he thought about when he was writing “Hamlet” and saw in his dreams. You can feel hero’s tragedy and sadness from the bottom of your heart when you see Abror Khidoyatov’s part. In spite of his language is not familiar you can understand and hear every word with your heart.
Hamlet is on Uzbek’s scene
Abror Khidoyatov is acting Othello
Annenkov said: “Having acted Hamlet, Othello, Romeo and Juliet Uzbek artists became well-known in Europe and were able to compete even with English artists.”
Sora Eshonturaeva is acting Shakespeare’s hero
Part of Dezdemona
M. Shagian said: If unusual event had happened and we had lost Shakespeare’s treasure even though for one day, You can’t even imagine how great richness of Humanity would have been lost and we would have been such poor.
Works of Uzbek Writers impressed by Shakespeare’s great works Maksud Shayhzoda “Mirzo Ulugbek” (drama written with influence of Shakespeare’s works (like Julius Caesar)) Maksud Shayhzoda “The star of Ulugbek” (influenced by “Hamlet”, “Richard II”, “Macbeth”) Khamid Olimjon “For The Death of Ofelia” (poem)
Used Literatures 1. Fozila Sulaymonova “Shekspir O’zbekistonda” (Shakespeare in Uzbekistan), Uzbekistan, Tashkent, “William Shakespeare” “The great tragedian actor” “Abror Khidoyatov” 5. Mamajon Rahmonov “Khamza Theatre”