“Before you embark on a journey of eervgen, dig two graves.” Solve the anagram!
REVENGE What are the side effects of revenge? What happens to someone as a result of revenge? What about the people around them? Is it self destructive? Why? Who gets hurt?
An Introduction to The Tragedy of Hamlet To be, or not to be, that is the question: (III, i, )
The Play The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark was probably written in It is commonly considered to be one of Shakespeare’s greatest works, and, thus, one of the greatest pieces of literature ever written.
Hamlet – What’s the situation? Hamlet is Prince of Denmark As the play opens he has recently returned to Denmark from Wittenburg, where he is a student. During his absence from Denmark, his father has died and his uncle, Claudius, has both married Hamlet’s mother and become king. Hamlet is greatly disappointed that this has all taken place. He is concerned over the moral appropriateness of his mother’s marriage, his uncle’s ascension to the throne, and his own destiny.
Hamlet – Shakespeare A Revenge Tragedy
Hamlet Act I “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”
The Characters Stick each character onto a separate sheet. We will be adding key quotes and characteristics as we go along.
The Opening Scene – Act 1 S cene 1 What is the mood and atmosphere? What language techniques have been used to create this atmosphere? What is the purpose of this scene and what has it been used to establish? Look at the purpose of the ghost here. Does the ghost foreshadow anything? What is the ghost’s attire? Also, explore what Horatio brings to the scene?
Act I, scene I Discussion Exposition: establishment of character, situation, conflict… The watch on the battlements Horatio and the Ghost Horatio is introduced: he is educated, rational, dutiful Scene establishes that something is wrong in Denmark: Nervousness of the watch Tension in the opening lines “Who's there?” Appearance of the ghost of Old Hamlet Preparations for war Problems with young Fortinbras These factors introduce us to a troubled Denmark
Hamlet Act I “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”
Act 1 Scene 2 – Claudius Addresses the Court
Act I, Scene ii The Court, Claudius, Gertrude, Hamlet, Laertes, Polonius Contrasts with scene one in that this scene gives illusion of normality Claudius: a competent administrator Hamlet: still mourning the loss of his father; sets him apart from others: “ a cloud still hangs over him” – depressed, unsettled
Act 1 Scene 2 Scene 2 is set in the Great Castle of Elsinore. -What are the key points of this scene?
‘By our late dear brother’s death/Our state to be disjoint’ The first scene hints at the widespread concerns that exist in Denmark, but this scene reveals exactly how ‘rotten’ the state is. Claudius’ corruption is a sign that Elsinore is vulnerable.
Act I, Scene ii: Discussion –Group one: examine the King’s opening lines and underline key words describing his character—what outward appearance or façade is revealed in this speech? –Group two: analyze the King’s advice to Hamlet about dealing with his father’s death—what is his advice? Do you agree? –Group three: examine Hamlet’s first soliloquy. How would you describe Hamlet? Why is his speech so pessimistic?
“Mommy Dearest” Finally…. –What kind of relationship does Hamlet have with his uncle and his mother? Explain.
Claudius – First impressions Add key characteristics to your Claudius page, Include key quotes.
‘O that this too too sullied flesh would melt’ Shakespeare reveals Hamlet’s thoughtful personality through his analysis of grief and his struggle with the morality of suicide. Hamlet's loss of faith and the question of whether suicide can be justified are major themes throughout the rest of the play.
Hamlet – the solitary thinker How has Shakespeare presented Hamlet? -Appearance -Attitude -What other’s say to him
Who are the characters and how are they linked?
What’s really happening in Claudius’ speech?