The Results of Using Educational Games on Math Score for Preschool Children Pavinee Komanasin
The first 6 years of a child’s life are the most important The involvement and cooperation of parents in this process is essential. Preschool education management procedures need to in cooperate the support of the parents and/or caretakers 1. Introduction
The Institution for the Promotion of Teaching Sciences and Technology in Thailand (IPST) stated that mathematical knowledge in Preschool Children is very important for the child’s development.
Mathematical knowledge helps children to think cognitively, logically and systematically which will develop creativity and ability in problem or situation analyses as well as to help in expectation, planning, solving problems and if taken to use in daily life appropriately, mathematics is also the tool in science and technology and other fields.
The Preschool Children age is the start of learning for children. They are curious and observant. They like to play and explore their surroundings. They like to ask questions until they get answers that are clear to them they also like to play a lot, because playing is a nice activity for them and they enjoy it.
While children are playing they are learning at the same time.
1. To study the results of playing educational games on children’s Math score 2. To study the opinion of parents regarding support of the mathematical skill development in their children Purpose of Research
3.1 Population and sample: 20 children who enrolled in the preschool class of 2015 academic year and their parents from schools of the Teaching Professional Cooperation Development Schools, Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Suan Sunandha University. 3. Materials and Methods
3.2 Tools of research: 1. Mathematical test in numbers/quantitative skills and the procedures which are used in the test have been verified for accuracy by 3 experts. This test is conducted in preschool children to see if it is suitable and clear before using it. 3. Materials and Methods
2. Educational games in numbers/quantitative and the procedures with games have been verified for accuracy by 3 experts and being conducted in preschool children to see if it is suitable and clear before using it. 3. Materials and Methods
The educational games will be sent to parents to play with their children for two months.
3. A questionnaire to the parents: There are 10 questions asked. The parents respond regarding their opinion of taking part in developing the child´s ability. The parents do the questionnaire after using the educational games. 3. Materials and Methods
3.3 Data analysis After collecting all the data from the questionnaires the researcher has analyzed and concluded the results by using the percentage statistics and mean. 3. Materials and Methods
4.1 General information The educational level of the participants is as follows: Education Higher than Bachelor degree 10% Bachelor degree 65% Less than bachelor degree 25% Gender: the group is divided into: Female 85% Male 15% Relationship Mothers 60% Fathers 15% Others 25% 4. Results and Discussion
4.2 To compare preschool children mathematical ability skills and procedures before and after using educational games after collecting all the data the researchers has analyzed as follows: Before using educational games children have scores of average 12 from 20 points in mathematical ability in numbers and procedures which is 60%. After using educational games, the scores have changed to an average of 18 from 20 points which is 90% by comparing the difference it is average 7 points more than before using the educational games, which is 35% extra. 4. Results and Discussion
4.3 The parents gave their opinion about being part to develop children’s mathematical skills. 1. All the parents (100%) think they enjoy playing games with their children. They think that games can help develop children in many ways and parents should make some time to play games with their own children. Besides that, the parents think that children are also happy while playing games with their parents. That is at the highest level.
2.There are… 80% of the parents think that playing activities with children is good and interesting. The parents should make time to play with their children. The teacher should arrange some games for children to bring home and play with the parents and would like more games to play with their children. This is at the highest level and 20% at the high level.
3.There are…. 60% of the parents think that they can explain and teach their children without being bored. This is at the highest level. 30% think that they can explain and teach their children without being bored at the high level and 10 % of the parents think that they can explain and teach their children without being bored at the middle level.
4.There are … 45% of the parents think that they can help children in academic development at the highest level, 30% of the parents think that they can help children in academic development at the high level and 25% of the parents think they can help the children in academic development at the middle level.
The results revealed that children have mathematic scores more than before using the educational games. The mathematic educational games for preschool can help children in academic development. The parents are willing to cooperate because they can have a good time being together and this can help building a good, warm relationship in the family. Happiness is the beginning to start life, and this study showed according to the hypotheses. 5. Conclusion