BI08 - BI IN ACTION Jeroen Beemster, Bejo Zaden
#NAVUGCongress16 3 YOUR PRESENTER Jeroen Beemster, Bejo Zaden Mgr. Software Development
#NAVUGCongress16 Microsoft Power BI is a dynamic toolset indeed, but if you have had some trouble envisioning how to fully use it, seeing examples from another Dynamics NAV user can help. NAVUG member Bejo Zaden B.V. will share how they are using Power BI to unlock valuable insight into their operations, even combining externally published data to spot trends and opportunities for growth. In addition you will lessons learned from their implementation and their plans for ongoing expansion with this powerful tool SESSION DESCRIPTION 4
#NAVUGCongress16 See how you can use power BI in your daily work. Using examples from the real world. SESSION OBJECTIVES 5 Navision 5NAV 2016Power BI ExcelActive DirectoryPitfallsDirections to start
#NAVUGCongress16 POWER BI DESKTOP (I) 9 -Data from Dynamics NAV 5 (Classic) -SQL View on SQL server based on Value Entry. View delivered by IT Power BI desktop created by Sales director Russia
#NAVUGCongress16 SQL VIEW 10 Only fun for IT specialists SELECT [Name] From VE WHERE [Name] LIKE '%Sementes%') AS [Company], VE.[Entry No_], VE.[Item No_], VE.[Source No_], VE.[Document No_], CAST(VE.[Valued Quantity] AS numeric(18,4)) AS [Valued Quantity], CAST(VE.[Cost per Unit] AS numeric(18,4)) AS [Cost per Unit], VE.[Salespers__Purch_ Code], VE.[Line type], VE.[Characteristic], VE.[Treatment Code] WHEN RIGHT(I.[No_],1) = '3' AND I.[Organic] = 0 THEN 'NCT' ELSE IE.[Description] END END AS Treatment, CASE WHEN VE.[Document Type] = '4' THEN 'Credit Memo' WHEN VE.[Document Type] = '2' THEN 'Invoice' ELSE 'Other' END AS CRINV, CASE WHEN Month(VE.[Posting Date]) IN (9, 10, 11, 12) THEN YEAR(VE.[Posting Date]) + 1 ELSE YEAR(VE.[Posting Date]) END AS FY, CAST('09' + '/' + '01' + '/' + CONVERT(varchar(4), CASE WHEN Month(VE.[Posting Date]) IN (9, 10, 11, 12) THEN YEAR(VE.[Posting Date]) ELSE YEAR(VE.[Posting Date]) - 1 END) AS datetime) AS YTDFR, CAST(CONVERT(varchar(2), MONTH(GETDATE())) + '/' + CONVERT(varchar(2), DAY(GETDATE())) + '/' + CONVERT(varchar(4), CASE WHEN Month(VE.[Posting Date]) IN (9, 10, 11, 12) THEN YEAR(VE.[Posting Date]) + 1 ELSE YEAR(VE.[Posting Date]) END) AS datetime) AS YTDTO FROM synNAVValueEntry VE LEFT OUTER JOIN synNAVDimensionValue DV ON VE.[Global Dimension 2 Code] = DV.[Code] AND DV.[Global Dimension No_] = 2 LEFT OUTER JOIN WHERE (CASE WHEN Month([PostingDate]) IN (9, 10, 11, 12) THEN YEAR([PostingDate]) + 1 ELSE YEAR([PostingDate]) END > [MaxYr] - 5)
#NAVUGCongress16 POWERBI.COM (II) 11 Dynamics NAV 2015 example Replacement of Classic (NAV 5) reports. Using Odata Built in Power BI Desktop Synchronized with “Gateway Enterprise” Delivered to the user thru website
#NAVUGCongress16 COMBINED DATA (III) 12 Semi governmental data Data from Dynamics NAV (private generated Data)
#NAVUGCongress16 ACTIVE DIRECTORY (IV) 13 Administrators in your Active directory and Super Users
#NAVUGCongress16 PITFALLS 14 Overview of the product. -> Start with Power BI desktopThe suite is growing very fast. -> Todays bug is solved next weekPoor data line will bring errors during synchronizationOut of the box Odata (NAV 2016 example of a Service ) requires data!Use it for analyses. Not for daily reports. (level of users) NAV ‘On premise’ hosted on Azure could have issues with sync to Azure
#NAVUGCongress16 HOW TO START 15 Get the data (Odata or direct to SQL server) Use Power BI desktop. For IT Department -> Bring Power BI desktop to the user! publish to data with (personal) gateway Show off with fancy dashboard to the CEO on his cellphone
#NAVUGCongress16 16 Questions?
#NAVUGCongress16 Contact information Jeroen Beemster, Bejo Zaden – 17 THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING