CH.11.1 Physical Growth and Development
Toddlers to Preschoolers Physical growth slows considerably after the first year. Children needs lots of space as their physical skills develop. Need opportunities each day for active play so they can exercise their muscles and use their stored up energy. They have a longer attention span but still want to change games and activities often.
Height and Weight Growth in both height and weight is slower. 1-3 year olds gain only about half pound per month. Heredity and environmental influences on height and weight are more noticeable among children 1-3.
Proportion and Posture Until age 2, child’s head, chest and abdomen all measure the same. Between ages of 2-3 the chest becomes larger than the head and abdomen. Also during this period, the arms, legs, and trunk grows rapidly. These changes help improve the child’s balance and motor skills.
Motor Skills Follows 3 patterns: head to foot, near to far, and simple to complex. These skills are divided into two type: Large- involve use and control of the large muscles of the back, legs, shoulders, and arms; Small-use and control of finer muscles of the wrists, fingers, and ankle. Don’t acquire physical skills as predictably during the ages 1-3.