Dying to be thin Reading 1
Do they look good and feel good?
Whom do you like better, the thin or the fat? Why?
What’s the man trying to do?
Discussion Pair work 1. If you are a bit over-weight, how would you lose weight?
Pair work going on a diet
Pair work exercising in a gym
Pair work receiving surgical treatment
Pair work taking weight-loss pills
Discussion Pair work 2. Which method would you prefer? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them?
Pair work going on a diet advantagesdisadvantages lose weight weak; tired;
Pair work exercising in the gym advantagesdisadvantages keep fit; lose weight waste time; have to pay
Pair work receiving surgical treatment advantagesdisadvantages lose weight waste money; feel weak
Pair work taking weight-loss pills advantagesdisadvantages lose weight waste money; damage health
Fast reading Read the three s quickly and answer the following questions. 1. Where does Amy come from? Canada. 2. What kind of pills did Amy take? Weight-loss pills (which are) called fat-less.
Fast reading 3. What caused Amy’s liver to fail? The chemicals(which are)contained in the weight-loss pills. 4. What’s the meaning of the title “Dying to be thin…” a. Amy wanted to be thin very much. b. Amy was going to die because she had taken some weight-loss pills.
Careful reading Read the first two s paying attention to some detailed information and then finish some exercises.
Careful reading True or false 1. In Amy’s first to Zhou Ling, she says she is going on a diet. F 2. In the last two months Amy has lost 10kg. F 3. In Amy’s second , she regrets taking those weight-loss pills. T
Careful reading True or false 4. Li Dong, who comes from Canada, has donated his liver to save Amy’s life. F 5. Zhou Ling didn’t answer Amy’s in time because he has no computer. F 6. In China, people seldom take weight- loss pills to lose weight. F
Careful reading Read the first two s again carefully and then choose the best answer. 1. According to Paragraph 2 in the first , Amy is an actress, _____. A. who often exercises B. who wanted to lose some weight C. who become ill D. who ate little B
Careful reading 2. Why did Amy decide to take weight- loss pills? A. She was overweight. B. She was having problems. C. Her clothes did not fit. D. She wanted to become slimmer.
Careful reading 3. At the hospital, the doctor told Amy she would _____. A. live for seven days B. have to donate her liver C. die without a new liver D. need her mother’s liver C
Careful reading 4. Li Dong, a young Chinese, _____. A.saved Amy’s life by donating money to her B.saved Amy’s life by giving her part of his liver C.told Amy never to take weight-loss pills again D.once worked with Amy B
Careful reading 5. Zhou Ling, Amy’s friend, _____. A.did not want to read Amy’s s B.was sorry to hear about Amy’s problems C.thinks Amy should lose weight D.thinks weight-loss pills are necessary B
Careful reading 6. Amy’s experience is _____. A. an interesting one B. forgotten by her family C. like that of some people in China D. a problem only actresses have C
Detailed reading Fill in the charts about the three periods of Amy’s mood. What is her mood in each period? And what are the reasons and results?
Detailed reading What Amy did ReasonsResults Amy’s emotions Mother’s words take Fat- less pills be in hospital an actress; ashamed of being fat. liver failure; liver donation slimmer; tired and weak dying; recovering joyful regretful hopeful Health is priceless. Don’t damage your health for a slim and attractive figure.
Suppose you are Amy’s best friend. If you are going to write a letter to her, what will you say to her? And what advice would you give to Amy?
Careful reading Read the last and pay attention to some detailed information and then finish some exercises.
Careful reading 1. Why didn’t Zhou Ling write to Amy until today? Her computer was broken. Because a stranger donated part of his liver to Amy whom he doesn't even know. 2. Why does Zhou Ling feel touching when she knows Amy’s story?
Careful reading 3. Zhou Ling thinks who should learn from Amy’s story? Many people in China, some of whom are not over-weight at all.
Discussion Pair work 1. What’s the main point of each in the text? Finish Part C2 on page 44.
Pair work SubjectMain point Recovering Amy was recovering from liver failure thanks to Li Dong, who selflessly donated part of his liver to her.
Pair work SubjectMain point Re: Recovering Zhou was sorry to hear about Amy’s problems and hoped that she as well as all the others who’d like to lose weight could value the importance of health.