Photography Career Choice by Tasha Winther
Involvement in Photography A photographer: may process personal exposed film.
Involvement in Photography A photographer: may use airbrush, computer or other techniques to retouch negatives.
Involvement in Photography A photographer: may use delicate instruments, such as optical microscopes attached to camera.
Involvement in Photography A photographer: may study requirements of a particular assignment and decide on type of camera, film, lighting and background accessories to be used.
Skills for Photography You may need to have experience in, or knowledge of computerized photography/digital imaging.
Skills for Photography You need to demonstrate your creative/technical ability with a portfolio of your work.
Skills for Photography You need either a bachelor's degree in visual arts, specializing in photography, or specialized training in photography in high school, college or specialized training schools, or you need extensive on- the-job training under the supervision of a photographer.
Current Employment Employment grew at an above average rate. Hourly wages ($16.47) are close to average ($18.07), and the rate of wage growth is below average.
Expected Salary Hourly wages ($16.47) are close to the national average (18.07) These earnings are close to the average for occupations in the art, culture, recreation and sport sector, and are below average for all technical, professional, and skilled occupations. These wages grew at a below average rate from The more “famous” you can get, the more money you can make.
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Personal Management Skills Positive Attitudes Feel good about yourself, and be confident!
Personal Management Skills Responsibility Plan and manage time, money, and other resources to achieve goals.
Fundamental Skills Communicate Listen and ask questions to understand and appreciate the point of views of others.
Fundamental Skills Manage Information Locate, gather and organize information using appropriate, technology and information systems.
Teamwork Skills Work with others Ensure that a team’s purpose and objectives are clear.
Teamwork Skills Participate in Projects & Tasks Plan, design, or carry out a project or task from start to finish with well defined objectives and outcomes.