Tuesday February 10 th A-day Wednesday February 11 th B-day Warm Up Vocabulary Set 4 Summative Book Club: Journal Check-In Book Review Drafting
Warm Up Use this time to study for you Vocabulary Summative Look back over Formatives as well as the word list Practice by writing sentences Remember don’t just memorize the definition know how to use the word
Vocabulary Summative PUT YOUR NAME ON YOUR PAPER You may write on the test READ DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY When you are done turn it in to your block’s tray THEN complete TWO Book Club Journal Check-Ins ( 2B and 2C )
Book Club Check-In Please complete TWO journal entries These will be titled 2B and 2C R emember to have 4-5 complete sentences of information Provide evidence from your book Do not repeat journal entries When finished please leave your journal OPEN on your desk and read
Book Review Drafting You should not give away the whole plot Should be at least 2 paragraphs Remember the positive traits of the example book reviews (evidence from text, not too much summary, good hook) Go in the order on your graphic organizer HOOK Title and author Genre Background information Characters Summary Opinion Audience
Next Class… We will be meet in computer lab 3 (upstairs where we took our last benchmark) You will be given time to type your draft on Google Docs We will also explore Biblionasium