A Scientific Network for Earthquake, Landslide and Flood Hazard Prevention Communication Plan
Communication – Partner structure Each partner has to define the roles of its participants in the Team, referred to as internal organizational structure: Project manager: Overall responsible (on behalf of the partner) Communication / Project responsible: The Person who is responsible for the communication between team members and the project progress monitoring. The financial manager: Monitoring financial issues Team Members: Each member has to get o role (responsibility) according to project’s requirements (Floods, earthquakes, landslides, GIS, Data gathering etc)
Information Needed! A list of persons “responsible” will be created and distributed (asap) What should be supplied: Name Address Telephone number Project’s (only Gmail accounts dedicated to the project’s implementation) Skype Id and other com tools (e.g. Viber) Role in the Team Responsibilities
Communication Tools …and WHAT are we going to use to communicate? Good Will ! (we have to be “there” when a Project Partner needs us) The formal communication via s will performed with the use of project’s Gmail accounts that will be created for everyone (e.g. Teleconferences: At this initial stage, SKYPE will be used for telecons. Other accessible platforms (like “mumble” for instance) will investigated at later stage. Meetings: The Project Manager or /and Project Responsible of each partner has to schedule regular meetings within their team according to actions timetable. – Minutes of the meetings have to be kept. Reports: Templates will be created for each reporting action by the LP (ASAP)
Communication Tools … more specifically will be used for both the internal and the external communication procedures, according to the related communication structures Other Communication tools, in order to disseminate project’s news: Facebook page and Group Twitter Website YouTube channel Flickr (photo sharing)
Organizational Structure INTERNAL COMMUNICATION Publishing Discussion Approval
Communication Tools … suggestions All the participants of the project are encouraged to get involved in dissemination actions using the social media tools (e.g. twitter – retweet project news and actions to your followers using your personal account – follow the project’s account). Please keep in Mind that…. communication is the key to a good partnership and therefore ensures project’s success
What have we done … …so far?
…Just Joking !
The Web page
... a second link to The Web page and other options
Lets become friends!
Lets participate in SciNet NatHaz Google group!
Tweet SciNet NatHaz !
…and watch our OWN YouTube Channel!
…contacting us is only a CLICK away!
…and Uploading or Downloading Project files? (access to be given asap) …a piece of cake!
A Scientific Network for Earthquake, Landslide and Flood Hazard Prevention Communication Plan Thank you!