ISSUE Although helpful, fossil fuels are slowly damaging our world.
WHAT ARE FOSSIL FUELS? A primary energy source Formed from organic material over the course of millions of years Three major forms of fossil fuels: Coal Oil Natural Gas
ADVANTAGES Make modern life possible Generate steam, electricity, etc. Easily available Produce large amount of energy Fuel vehicles, heat homes, etc. Account for 85% of current fuel use in the U.S. A huge number of products we use every day wouldn’t be available without fossil fuels.
DISADVANTAGES They are the largest greenhouse gas emitters in the world. Burning fossil fuels widens the hole in the ozone layer They are finite. Not renewable Could lead to changes in the earth’s climate. Causes human health problems Environmental degradation Global warming Acid rain Water pollution
WHAT WE SHOULD DO AND WHY We should conserve or reduce the usage of fossil fuels, or monitor our usage as a country. Expand the use of renewable energy that is cleaner and less dependent on fossil fuels. Reduce deforestation. By reducing the amount of fossil fuels used, the ozone layer will have time to repair itself, making the planet safer for us to live in.
BENEFITS OF CONSERVING It will save some fossil fuels for future generations. Ensures a better future Saves environment Gives ozone layer time to heal
CALL TO ACTION As individuals, we can help by reducing our personal usage of emissions. In order to effectively address global warming, we must significantly reduce the amount of emissions we are putting into the atmosphere.
BIBLIOGRAPHY "Fossil fuels." The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. 5th ed. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, Science in Context. Web. 27 May "Carbon offsets (CO2-emission offsets)." Environmental Encyclopedia. Gale, Science in Context. Web. 27 May "Fossil Fuels." Earth Sciences for Students. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, Science in Context. Web. 27 May 2015.