Fossil Fuels Natural Gas, Petroleum, Coal, Propane
Coal Fired Power Plant Mining for Coal Carbon Emissions with Coal Power Plant
Fracking – Natural Gas Extraction Fracking video -1:57 minutes
Acid Rain Acidity of lakes, dams, streams Cause death to aquatic life Increases acidity of soil Damage to trees at high elevations Erodes buildings and monuments Respiratory problems with people
Fossil Fuels, Greenhouse Gasses, & Global Warming Video 2:03 When CO2 Emissions = “Smoke”? RsYjffUhttps:// RsYjffU Acid rain 1:15 cartoon
Effects of Acid Rain
Biomass *A Fossil Fuel Power Plant can be converted to a biomass power plant with minimal changes.
Biomass “Benefits” and the Carbon Cycle
Anaerobic Digester A Brooklyn waste treatment plant is switching sewage to food scraps
MSW - Municipal Solid Waste
Salem Nuclear Power Plant New Jersey
Animation of Nuclear Power Flash for Nuclear: Inside a nuclear reactor core - Bang Goes The Theory - BBC
Inside a nuclear reactor core BBC video – 3:52
Chemical Hydrogen Fuel Cell animation: This animation shows the process that goes on inside an individual fuel cell. The red Hs represent hydrogen molecules (H2) from a hydrogen storage tank. The orange H+ represents a hydrogen ion after it's electron is removed. The yellow e- represents an electron moving through a circuit to do work (like lighting a light bulb or powering a car). The green Os represent an oxygen molecule (O2) from the air, and the blue drops at the end are for pure water--the only byproduct of hydrogen power.
Electrolysis of Water 2(H 2 O)
Wave Energy Convertor: The energy generated from waves is harnessed by deploying wave energy convertors on the surface of the ocean. When a wave hits these convertors, the convertors convert the force of the wave into energy and feed it into a generator.
Wave Energy Pelamis Wave GeneratorPelamis Wave Generator : 53 seconds
Tidal/Wave/OTEC OTEC = Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: ammonia boils at -28°F