►125g Plain flour. ►125ml of white whine/water. ►Pinch of salt. ►2 Eggs. ►2 Tbsp butter. ►1Tbsp brandy. ►3 Large eating apples. ►3 Tbsp Rum (optional) ►125g caster sugar. ►1 Tsp Ground cinnamon. ►1litre Sunflower oil. ►Custard.
1.Mix the flour with the wine and salt in a mixing bowl to form a smooth batter. Separate the eggs and melt the butter. Stir the egg yolks, butter and brandy into the batter. Cover and leave for 1 hour. 2.Peel and Core the apples. Cut them into 1cm slices, then sprinkle with the lemon juice and rum, mix the sugar and cinnamon together and sprinkle half over the apple slices, stand for 30 minutes. 3.Whisk the egg white until soft, the peak form and fold into the batter, prepare the custard with the milk and sugar following the packet instructions then leave to cool.
4.Heat the oil in a large saucepan to 190c/375f.To check it is hot enough, dip the end of a wooden spoon in the oil. Small bubbles should appear around it. 5.Dip the apple slices into the batter a few at a time and deep fry for about 3minutes until golden brown. Drain on kitchen paper, then sprinkle with the remaining cinnamon and sugar, serve hot with the custard.