Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) Since 1988 it has been the LA’s duty to establish a SACRE RE is a statutory part of the basic curriculum, but it is not a national curriculum subject The agreed syllabus for RE is the responsibility of the Local Authority through its SACRE
Who are the four groups who sit on SACRE? Group A: Christian denominations and other religions and religious denominations. For example representatives from the Muslim, Buddhist, Free Churches, Roman Catholic, Sikh and Hindu communities Group B: Church of England representatives – including The Bristol and Salisbury Dioceses
Group C: Teacher representatives – including headteachers from primary, secondary and special schools Group D: The Local Authority – for example, councillors, Fred Angus (Interim Manager for Learning Teaching & Partnerships) and Manager for Equality and Diversity. And SACRE officers (non voting) Clerk to SACRE (Simone Kermode) Adviser to SACRE and RE Adviser to Schools
Councillor Mary Douglas is the Chair of SACRE SACRE meets three times a year at venues across Wiltshire, mostly at schools and places of worship
SACRE’s responsibilities SACRE advises the LA on matters relating to collective worship in community schools and on collective worship and religious education given in accordance with the locally agreed syllabus
SACRE’s 4 main areas of responsibility: 1. SACRE monitors the effectiveness and appropriateness of the agreed syllabus, which is formally reviewed every five years.
2. SACRE advises on: the provision of INSET, methods of teaching and choice of materials the consideration of complaints (should the LA so require)
3. To receive, and determine whether an application from a Head Teacher to vary the requirement for worship of a broadly or mainly Christian character, is appropriate for the whole school or for groups of pupils.
4. To publish an annual report /action plan outlining the advice given by SACRE to the LA - the report broadly describes the nature of advice provide.
You are welcome to join as an ‘observer’ at any SACRE meeting. For further details contact - Come and join us on SACRE!