How to Handle Welfare Cases in Brief & Basics of Public Benefits CCWRO.ORG 1901 Alhambra Blvd., Sacramento, CA Tel: Cell: CCWRO.ORG 1901 Alhambra Blvd., Sacramento, CA Tel: Cell: ATTENTION : This PowerPoint presentation is intended to be presented with an oral presentation to fill in the blanks left vacant. If you want a presentation, please contact CCWRO at or complete our “training request form” at: view=article&id=47&Itemid=55 view=article&id=47&Itemid=55 ATTENTION : This PowerPoint presentation is intended to be presented with an oral presentation to fill in the blanks left vacant. If you want a presentation, please contact CCWRO at or complete our “training request form” at: view=article&id=47&Itemid=55 view=article&id=47&Itemid=55
Purpose of Government Benefits History of Government benefits Means tested programs Non-means tested programs-0middle class welfare
Primary Government Benefits CalWORKs - TANF - AFDC Food Stamps Medi-Cal SSI CAPI IHSS
Program Operators CWD DSS for CalWORKs, Food Stamps CAPI, IHSS DHS - Medi-Cal SSA -- SSI
Main Money Program TANF also known as CalWORKs In California
Deprivation and Child Any person who has a child that is under 18 or child over 18 can get CW if it is expected to complete high school by 19 Had to be related, parent,etc. 2 parents hour for applicant Primary wage earner Disabled
Property Home living in Car - $4,600 - Estimates needed if value in question Liquid Resources - $2,000 & $3, 000 if a parent is over 60 years old. Transfer no no for recipients and OK for applicants
Time-Limits Parents can only get aid for 60 months Child support, disability and DV can untick the clock Children have no time limits
Pregnant Women Pregnant mom can get CW with no other kid after third trimester - $47 pregnancy allowance & aid for 1 person Pregnant teens get aid from date of application and have to go to Cal Learn $47 more from date of verification - no six month waiting with other kid(s)
Child Support All parents have to cooperate with child support Exceptions DV victims The only benefit the poor family gets is $50. All other money goes to the government
Victims of Domestic Violence Victims of Domestic Violence cause be a reason to waive many CalWORKs requirements except for: 1. Income 2. Property 3. Deprivation
Income Limits MBSAC MAP Unearned income Earned income - computation of income $225 plus 50% - applicant $90.00 Excluded income- SSI, Loans, Most student income, child income
Treatment of Self- Employment 100 hour rule for application Computing benefit levels Gross minus actual business expenses then apply the $225 plus 50% deduction
MFG Kid Kid born to a mom while on welfare no money, just food stamps and Medi-Cal If on welfare for more than 10 months before the kid is born Has to get an MFG notice in their language MFG rule can be waived if mom was a DV victim MFG kid child support does not count as income
Tools to advocate State regulations County welfare department telephone roster Conference calling telephone system Fair Hearing forms
Problems Needing Immediate Attention Applicants needing CalWORKs immediate need. Applicants Needing expedited services food stamp benefits Persons needing homeless assistance Persons whose application is pending for verification File expedited state hearings
Cases that can be resolved by filing for a state hearing Most cases can be resolved by filing for a state hearing. For example: A client gets a letter stating there is an overpayment - File for a state hearing A client gets a NOA closing case for no RV.- File for a state hearing and then set up an RV appointment with the County. A client gets a NOA closing case for QR-7. - File for a state hearing and help the client complete the QR-7 from the internet and have the client take into the CWD. Tell the client to get a receipt and bring it back to you.
CalWORKs Immediate Need Have a late payment notice Have a utility shut-off notice Have food for les than 3 days Need money for transportation Need money for diapers Have less than $100 in cash or in the bank SAWS-1 has these questions If the applicant did not do the SAWS-1 right, can submit a SAWS-4 Has to be issued $200 on the date of application, but no later than the next working day
Expedited Services Food Stamps Less than $150 in liquid resources Income is less than rent & utilities Has to be issued food stamps within three (3) of the application
Whereabouts Unknown When does it happen What is the best proof - EBT usage File for a state hearing
Immunization Within 30 days of the application the applicant has to show immunization records. Exception - if you refuse to do so based on your religious beliefs
Kids in School If the child is under 16, the child has to go to school, otherwise child will be terminated If child over 16, it is either school or WtW
Homeless Assistance Any person who does not have a place to sleep tonight. Verification- statement from the place they slept last night unless it was a hotel Temporary homeless for a hotel/motel for 14 days Has to search for permanent housing Permanent housing payment is the last months rent plus deposit not to exceed twice the amount of the rent. The rent has to be 80% of the AUs gross income. Letter from landlord that landlord is willing to rent the place, amount of the monthly rent and the amount of deposit or last month that the landlord charges.
Verification County can only ask for verification that the applicant has If the applicant does not have it, then the county shall assist the applicant to get it County has to take the applicant’s statement and process the application if the applicant does not have the requested verification County has pay fees for third party verification.
QR-7 Due date Last date to to file it with CWD Receipt File for a hearing CWD required to call and make a note in the case before terminating for no QR-7
WtW - Welfare to Nowhere Why WtW Do AFDC-FC have WtW duties? Advance transportation mandatory Child care mandatory Child care be paid to former recipient for two more years
WtW Sanction Sanction defenses NOA has to be a 30 day NOA Curing sanctions Sanctions Notices
Overpayments/Overissuance CalWORKs 5% agency error CalWORKs 10% all other Equitable Estoppel IPV penalties Underpayments
Food Stamps Household (HH) are all people living together Children under 22 have to be in the HH People over 22 can be a separate HH if they purchase and prepare their meals separately