Vocabulary Unit 6
Accede A driver must accede to pedestrians while in a parking lot.
Brandish The knight is able to brandish his sword wildly in hopes to scare off his opponent.
Comprise Before he could read, Billy looked at books comprised of only pictures.
Deft The seamstress was very deft with her needle.
Destitute After the hurricane, The Red Cross gave aid to the homeless and destitute.
Explicit The chart gave explicit instructions for changing a flat tire.
Extirpate The Emancipation Proclamation was said to extirpate slavery from the United States.
Inopportune Although the party was a 7:00, Joe arrived at the inopportune time of 3:00.
Ironic It is very ironic to see a poodle with the name killer.
Musty The musty smell in the attic probably came from all of the socks we have been saving.
Officious I began to think the waiter was officious when he washed my feet as I was eating my dinner.
Ominous The news of his death was an ominous sound from the news reporters mouth.
Pinnacle To fully scale the mountain, you must surmount the pinnacle.
Premeditated The attack was so well executed, it was definitely believed to be premeditated.
Rampant After the explosion, everyone in the street was running rampant with fear.
Solace The music gave him a kind of solace.
Stately At the beginning of the ceremony, there was a stately procession of high ranking officials.
Supple The dancer’s supple body moved with great ease and grace.
Suppress By surrounding the premises, the police were able to suppress anything else that might happen.
Venal They only won because of venal relations with the judges.