Basis of recommendation (cont.) 3.Insufficient green/open space (pgs. 3-4) Green/open space within the site inadequate to serve estimated population of 1,053 residents. Zoning code requires 20% open space to application’s 11% of proposed on-site open space. Application relies on Ponce Circle Park to meet requirements. Greenspace buffer in original application no longer proposed. 4.Commitment to public realm improvements (pg. 4) Lack of detailed landscape plan. Lack of detailed public realm improvement plan. No improvements proposed for surrounding Crafts Section neighborhoods beyond immediate site area.
Basis of recommendation (cont.) 5.Insufficient public parking (pg. 4) Application results in loss of 34 metered and 34 non-metered on-street parking spaces, with 51 additional off-street parking spaces proposed as mitigation (analysis, pg. 11). Loss of on-street parking may result in intrusion of parking into surrounding residential neighborhoods. Reimbursement of lost revenue from metered parking not addressed. 6.Insufficient streetscape improvements (pgs. 4-5) Application’s proportionate share of off-site public ROW and intersection improvements not adequately addressed, in accordance with City’s Master Streetscape Plan. 7.Workforce/affordable housing not addressed (pg. 5) Application does not address affordable housing, which is a State and regional mandate, and has been recognized by the City as an important objective.
Alternative recommendation If PZB recommends approval, Staff recommends that the following conditions of approval be included in order to mitigate the project’s impacts: 1-5b. Standard conditions (pgs. 5-6) 5c. Public green/open space improvements (pg. 6) 1)Provide additional green/open space for residents and as buffering for surrounding neighborhoods. 2)Provide a detailed and comprehensive Public Realm Improvement Plan, in accordance with the City’s Master Streetscape Plan.
Alternative recommendation (cont.) Proposed green space buffer from applicant’s original design Would allow for a total of 18% of green/open space on-site (20% required).
Alternative recommendation (cont.) 5d. Landscape Plan (pg. 7) Prepare and submit a detailed Landscape Plan that provides the location, type, and size at time of planting of all landscaping proposed within the project. 5e. Parking and Traffic Circulation (pg. 7) 1)Provide payment to mitigate the loss of 34 metered on-street parking spaces. 2)Provide for public/visitor use an additional 75 spaces or 10% of proposed residential parking spaces to mitigate for loss of 68 on-street parking (would result in a net gain of 58 spaces). 3)Sale or leasing of spaces prohibited. 4)Parking gates to be shown in plans. 5)Valet parking on public streets prohibited.
Alternative recommendation (cont.) 5f. Workforce / affordable housing (pgs. 7-8) Applicant shall help City meets its affordable housing goals by setting aside 5% of its units for affordable housing. 5g. Construction information/contact (pg. 8) Applicant shall advise surrounding residents and businesses as to the construction status of the project. 6a. Traffic improvements (pg. 8) Applicant shall install intersection/roadway improvements in accordance with submitted plan, including: 1)Realignment of Coconut Grove Drive at Palermo Avenue, and realignment of Malaga Avenue. 2)Intersection improvements at University Drive and Ponce de Leon Blvd.
Alternative recommendation (cont.) 6c. Streetscape improvements (pg. 8) Applicant shall install streetscape improvements in accordance with submitted plan (Attachment E, pgs. 17, 22, 25). 6d. Crafts Section intersection improvements (pg. 8) Applicant shall install intersection/roadway/streetscape public realm improvements for 4 intersections as determined by the City’s Traffic Advisory Board in accordance with the City’s Master Streetscape Plan (Attachment C).
Alternative recommendation (cont.) Project Site
Alternative recommendation (cont.) Typical ROW intersection treatment from City’s Master Streetscape Plan
Alternative recommendation (cont.) 6e. Ponce Circle Park improvements (pg. 8) As proffered, applicant shall provide funding for all Ponce Circle Park improvements (Attachment D) Standard conditions (pgs. 8-9)
Alternative recommendation (cont.) Ponce Circle Park Preliminary Concept Plan
Alternative recommendation (cont.) Ponce Circle Park Preliminary Parking Plan Option 1Option 2
Findings of fact Findings of fact that support approval (pg. 25) 1.Application is generally consistent with 2002 Charrette Report. 2.Applicant has proffered funding for Ponce Circle Park improvements. 3.Existing historic structure on site to be retained. 4.Applicant has proffered public ROW improvements on perimeter streets surrounding project site. 5.All public ROW / public realm improvements to be in accordance with City’s Master Streetscape Plan.
Findings of fact (cont.) Findings of fact that do not support approval (pgs ) 1.Additional information required to determine consistency with CLUP. 2.Existing remaining SF home would be completely surrounded by incompatible land use and zoning designations. 3.Application will result in “spot zoning” of remaining SF home. 4.Application will lead to additional impacts to traffic and public facilities for the surrounding Crafts Section neighborhoods. 5.Off-site public ROW and traffic improvements not adequately addressed. 6.Lack of detailed landscape/public realm improvement plans. 7.Loss of 68 on-street parking spaces and associated revenue. 8.No operational provisions provided to advise residents and businesses as to construction status.
Public notification / comments Efforts to solicit input and provide notice include: 1.Contacted and met with owner of remaining SF home. 2.Conducted neighborhood meeting ( ). 3.Mailed courtesy notification to property owners within 1,000 ft. of application site ( ). 4.Published newspaper ad ( ). 5.Posted notice on property ( ). 6.Posted PZB agenda on City web page / City Hall ( ). 7.Posted Staff report on City web page ( ).
Next steps / timeline All 6 Applications tentatively scheduled for 1 st Reading at July 11, 2006 City Commission meeting. … The End.