Scituate Adaptive Building Reuse
SABR Initiative The Board of Selectmen has established an ad-hoc committee to assist the Board in evaluating and recommending future uses of gates Middle School, the Police Station and Fire Station 3, Town Hall and Senior Center. The Committee will work with consulting engineers, appraisers, etc. that will provide guidance and expertise on the reconstruction, adaptive reuse or demolition of these schools/municipal buildings. The Committee is responsible for gathering input from citizens, users and potential users, in making their final recommendations to the BOS.
SABR Initiative The Committees work includes: – Analysis of potential reuses for the subject buildings. – Develop conceptual plans for each with cost/benefit analysis – Incorporate and insure robust public input component through surveying, analysis, meetings and any other means deemed necessary by the Committee – Keep the BOS, media and other constituent groups advised of their work.
SABR Initiative Committee work done to date: – Site inspections of Gates, Police Station and Town Hall. – Preliminary property valuations for each building. – Meeting with COA to understand Senior center space requirements. – Initiated RFP for the compilation of a programming study ( space needs) for Town Offices, Senior Center and School Administration.
SABR Initiative Committee Next Steps: – Evaluation of RFP’s and award contract – Programming evaluation completed by March 1, – Final Recommendation to BOS in June
SABR Initiative Timeline