los números ROPA/Clothing Cara Cabeza Song escrito por señora Bennett
Los números/numbers – the quiz will be the week of January 17 th on numbers Counting 0-20 is optional. However, you will be highly rewarded if you memorize numbers 0-20 with Archer bucks and puntos for your mesa. ROPA/Clothing – the quiz will be the of January 23 rd Cara Cabeza Song (body parts) – the quiz will be the week of January 30 th
los números Essential Question: Can you count to 10 in español? 2 Websites to Practice: cero = 0 uno = 1 dos = 2 tres = 3 cuatro = 4 cinco = 5 seis = 6 siete = 7 ocho =8 nueve = 9 diez = 10
los números Essential Question: Can you count to 20 in español? 2 Websites to Practice: cero = 0 uno = 1 dos = 2 tres = 3 cuatro = 4 cinco = 5 seis = 6 siete = 7 ocho =8 nueve = 9 diez = 10 once = 11 doce = 12 trece = 13 catorce = 14 quince = 15 dieciseis = 16 diecisiete = 17 dieciocho = 18 diecinueve = 19 veinte = 20
Essential Question: Can you name at least 3 pieces of ropa /clothing you have on today? Please, memorize the following 6 items: españolpronunciationEnglish el uniformeoo nee for meh the uniform la camisaka mee sa the shirt el pantalónpan ta lón the pants la chaquetacha keh ta the jacket los zapatossa pa tos the shoes las mediasmeh dee as the socks Practice website for clothing words:
ROPA/Clothing Essential Question: ¿Can you name at least 3 pieces of clothing you are wearing today? The following website can be used for practicing only the pronunciation of the words you are responsible to memorize. (Remember, only native speakers of Spanish get a grade on spelling.) Also remember, only practice the pertinent words that you need. Some words will not be the same since some words may be different depending on the country and/or Spanish dialect. Again, only focus on the word list from the previous page. ¡gracias!
Essential Question: Can you sing the Cara Cabeza Song? Please, have your child sing the Cara Cabeza Song while pointing to the body parts. The first line is the Spanish spelling, the next line is the Spanish pronunciation, and the last line is the English translation: Cara, cabeza (2 times) ka ra ka be sa (2 times) Face, head Manos, pies (2 times) ma nos pea es (2 times) Hands, feet Boca y dientes bo ka ee dee en tes Mouth, teeth Ojos y orejas o hos ee o reh has Eyes and ears y la naríz (2 times) ee la na rees And the nose
These are the theme units for the month of January Los números – the quiz will be the week of January 17 th ROPA/Clothing – the quiz will be the of January 23 rd Body Parts – the quiz will be the week of January 30 th
¡Felíz Año Nuevo! ¡Felíz Año Nuevo! Happy New Year! We will be working on this vocabulary during the month of January, 2012.