Diagnostic Information for Control-Flow Analysis of Workflow Graphs (aka Free-Choice Workflow Nets) Cédric Favre(1,2), Hagen Völzer(1), Peter Müller(2) (1) IBM Research - Zurich (2) ETH Zurich 1
Outline Problem Control-flow analysis of business process models Contribution Graphical in-model diagnostic information for control- flow errors Conclusion and Outlook 2
A Business Process Model (1/2) 3
A Business Process Model (2/2) Usage of a business process model Execution on a process engine Simulation Documentation Up to 50% of the processes contain a control-flow error 4
Workflow Graph and Corresponding Free-Choice Workflow Net Workflow graph control flow graph (flow chart) with unique source and sink concurrent fork and join (besides alternative choice and merge) maps the core of process languages, but not all 5
Lack of synchronization Two tokens on one edge aka unsafeness Sound no deadlock and no lack of synchronization Soundness guarantees that the workflow terminates with unique token on the sink (when loops are terminating) XOR-split XOR-join AND-join AND-split Control-Flow Errors / Soundness (Local) Deadlock A token blocked in the graph 6
Simplest Examples 7 Sound Unsound
A Complex Sound Example 8
Workflow Graph and Corresponding Free-Choice Workflow Net Workflow graph is sound iff connected version of corresponding Petri net is safe = no two tokens on the same place and live = from each reachable marking, for each transition t: a marking can be reached that enables t 9
Prior Work Approaches based on free-choice Petri nets theory polynomial time complexity (!) no diagnostic information Approaches based on state space exploration state space explosion (can be successfully addressed) provide a counterexample trace as diagnostic information detours/build up not contributing to error (esp. DFS) arbitrary interleaving difficult to visualize in model in case of loops Fahland, Lohmann [12]: heuristics can reduce size of trace by a factor of 10 not all modelers have a technical background 10
Anti-Patterns Modeling manuals show anti-patterns in terms of instructive examples 11
Problem Can we build graphical diagnostic information such that: every error pattern implies unsoundness unsoundness implies existence one of the error pattern capture the essence of these simple examples 12
Outline Problem Contribution Conclusion and Outlook 13
Contribution New characterization of soundness in terms of offending graph-structures and Polynomial-time algorithm that returns one of the graph structures for each unsound graph Experimental evaluation 14
Overview Error Patterns 15 Path to sink with AND-XOR handle Empty siphon DQ-siphon with XOR-AND handle
G G Handle A handle on a subgraph G is a directed path from an element of G to another element b of G that is disjoint from G apart from start and end AND-XOR handle refers to the logic of start and end node 16
Error Patterns (1/3) 17 Path from some node to sink with AND/XOR-handle
A subgraph G such that each transition that adds a token to G also takes a token from G with an XOR node in G, all incoming edges belong to G with an AND node - at least one incoming edge An empty siphon will remain empty Siphon 18
empty Error Patterns (2/3) 19 A siphon that does not contain the source
A DQ-siphon is a siphon G such that no AND-split has more than one outgoing edge in G the number of tokens is always 1 or less DQ Siphon 20 Not a DQ-siphon
Error Patterns (3/3) 21 A DQ siphon with an XOR/AND handle
Structural characterization of soundness A workflow graph is unsound iff one of the following statements holds: 1. There exists a siphon that is not initially marked 2. There exists a DQ siphon with an XOR/AND handle 3. There exists a simple path to the sink with an AND/XOR handle 22
Strongly Related to and Making Use of Esparza/Silva [9] characterization: A strongly connected free-choice net is safe and live iff none of the following exist: an empty siphon a circuit with a T/P handle a circuit with a P/T handle without bridges 23
Contribution New characterization of soundness in terms of offending graph-structures and Polynomial-time algorithm that returns one of the graph structures for each unsound graph Experimental evaluation 24
Check for empty siphons Decomposition into S-components Check rank equation sound unsound Known Algorithm - Based on the Rank Theorem 25
Check for empty siphons Decomposition into S-components Check rank equation Reduce & decompose into S-components empty sound unsound New Algorithm 26
Decomposition into S-Components A sound graph is decomposable into sequential components Each S-component has always exactly one token Decomposition can be computed in polynomial time 27
Another Sound Example 28
A Minimal Siphon Generates an S-component (in a Sound Graph) A minimal siphon that is not an S-component contains: From which we obtain an error pattern: 29 or
Check for empty siphons Decomposition into S-components Check rank equation Reduce & decompose into S-components empty sound unsound New Algorithm 30
Check for empty siphons Decomposition into S-components Check rank equation Reduce & decompose into S-components empty sound unsound New Algorithm 31
Lucky Decomposition Failure of an Unsound Graph 32
Unlucky Decomposition Success of the Same Graph 33
A Reduction Step 34
Decomposition Failure on Reduced Graph 35 Decomposition failure Error pattern generated Error pattern on original graph
Algorithm - Conclusion Prove that reduction eventually leads to a graph that is not decomposable Prove that error pattern in reduced graph are valid in the original (unreduced) graph Soundness of N can be decided in time O(|P| 2 * (max(|P|,|T|) 3 ) such that the algorithm returns one of the structural error patterns in case N is unsound. 36
Contribution New Characterization of soundness in terms of offending graph-structures and Polynomial-time algorithm such that Experimental evaluation 37
Experimental Evaluation - Data Set (703 unique original) business process models from the financial domain - Average number of nodes between 89 and 107 per library - Several large nets with up to 627 nodes - 47 nets from library B3 have 200 or more nodes. - Some models have state spaces with more than 1 million states - We validated the correctness of the results with other model checkers 38
Results Fast enough to support demanding use cases checking while modeling checking while loading entire libraries into workspace 2-6 times faster than some state space exploration approaches but those were already fast enough for most use cases 39
Visualization in Modeling Tool 40
Outline Problem Contribution Conclusion and Outlook 41
Conclusion Graphical in-model diagnostic information can be obtained in polynomial time avoiding some problems of traces Limited expressiveness of free-choice (e.g. no races) allows for polynomial-time verification sufficient for data set in case study still applicable in more expressive BPMN models Can be combined with SESE decomposition for further error localization (and speed-up) 42
SESE Decomposition Can be done in linear time Soundness is compositional wrt SESE blocks Errors can be localized to a SESE block 43
What is still missing User study Soundness under data (except one first paper) Control-flow errors dues to message/event passing across processes (orthogonal) 44