Colonoscopy: rectum, sigmoid, left colon, transverse colon were normal – in the right colon and caecum: pseudopolyps, friability, edema, deformation ( couldn’t recognize the valvula )
Pathology report: - vague non-necrotizing granuloma - non necrotizing epithelioid granulomata - severe, active chronic laminitis - no AFB detected
U/S abdomen
Patient was hospitalized 2 years later for fever, weight lost and ↓appetite CRP ↑182 U/S abdomen: multiloculated, septated cystic mass right upper quadrant measuring 7,8X4,4X5 cm. Free fluid pelvis
CT scan abdomen: mild thickening of wall of jejunal loops. No obvious stricture or narrowing. Peripherally enhancing fluid attenuating lesion right side abdomen superior to ileo-caecal junction with septations measuring 4,5 X 4,3 cm. Moderate ascites. Paraaortic and mesenteric lymph nodes
U/S abdomen ( ): right upper paraaortic lymph node ( 2 X 0,8 cm ). Previous collection was not visualized. Colonoscopy: mild erythema in caecum. One pseudopolyp close to the valve. Ileum normal over few cm.