6/14/20161 Types of Crimes Criminal Justice
6/14/20162 Types of Crimes There are two types of crimes : There are two types of crimes : Malum prohibitum Malum prohibitum An act that is wrong because the law declares it to be wrong An act that is wrong because the law declares it to be wrong Keep off the grass Keep off the grass Don’t jaywalk Don’t jaywalk No hitchhiking No hitchhiking ??????????? ???????????
6/14/20163 Malum in se Malum in se Actions that are wrong in and of themselves Actions that are wrong in and of themselves Murder Murder Theft Theft Vandalism Vandalism ????????? ?????????
6/14/20164 Classification of Crimes Felonies Felonies A serious criminal offense punishable by more than one year A serious criminal offense punishable by more than one year Murder Murder Robbery Robbery Grand Theft Grand Theft Larceny Larceny ??????? ???????
6/14/20165 Misdemeanors Misdemeanors A criminal offense, less serious than a felony, punishable by a prison sentence of one year or less A criminal offense, less serious than a felony, punishable by a prison sentence of one year or less Assault Assault Battery Battery Shoplifting Shoplifting
6/14/20166 What are the 3 elements of a crime??? CONDUCT The physical part of the crime Not just a thought, or wish Physical Action The actual performance of the crime Failure to Act Legal duty Conspiracy Acting in agreement with others
7 Criminal Intent The mental part of the crime The mental part of the crime The state of mind necessary to carry out an act prohibited by law The state of mind necessary to carry out an act prohibited by law THE WILL TO COMMIT THE CRIME THE WILL TO COMMIT THE CRIME
6/14/20168HARM Some damage was done by the accused Some damage was done by the accused There was some injury done to a community interest There was some injury done to a community interest ATTEMPT….means there was an intent to commit the crime but a failure to complete the act…There must be a substantial step towards committing the act ATTEMPT….means there was an intent to commit the crime but a failure to complete the act…There must be a substantial step towards committing the act
6/14/20169 Crimes are grouped in different ways: Seriousness---misdemeanors ---Felonies Types of harm---crimes against the person ---crimes against property ---crimes against the state There Are Three Elements of a Crime Criminal conduct Criminal Intent Harm