Transport, Travel and Health – a journey begun Hugh Annett, Director of Public Health Adrian Davis, Public Health & Transport Consultant.


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Presentation transcript:

Transport, Travel and Health – a journey begun Hugh Annett, Director of Public Health Adrian Davis, Public Health & Transport Consultant

Public Health Strategy Influencing social and environmental determinants – role of City Council Planning Transport Environment Housing + wider - LSP

Transport Planning Dr Adrian Davis Active Bristol Clare Lowman Built Env/Healthy City Marcus Grant/UWE (0.1 fte) Planning & Health Stephen Hewitt Climate & carbon Dr Angela Raffle (0.4 fte) Health Policy Liz McDougall Cycling City Simon Carpenter (0.4fte) Public Health support within Bristol City Council: planning for synergy

Tasks (some of) Provide support and assistance to Active Bristol Manager in pursuance of the goals and overall objectives of this programme Provide on-going support to the Road Safety Education Team including all work to maximise the potential of a Knowledge Transfer Partnership post Provide support to NHS Bristol’s Injury Prev Man on road transport issues, as necessary Lead for the PCT on Department for Transport and other key transport sector consultations Draft papers for peer review, as appropriate Identify, facilitate and support further collaborations and cross-sectoral working between and with the PCT and Bristol City Council, as appropriate Represent on behalf of NHS Bristol at international, national, regional and local events, Provide public health training support eg for Public Health Trainees, NHS management Trainees, and collaborate on behalf of NHS Bristol with other NHS bodies inc. SWPHO, SW Regional Public Health Group, Department of Health Provide regular updates for the Associate Director and Director of Public Health

Specifics Support for Cycling City team: Near Market for cycling; marketing interventions Evidence guidance for road safety intervention (idiots guide) Essential Evidence on a page Active Bristol: Social marketing work UWE Briefing on 20mph pilot areas Road Danger Reduction project

Symbolism of Walking Tether Sou’wester tester Source of strife Curfew

Road Danger Reduction Knowledge Transfer Partnership funded with Bristol City Council and UWE (ph) – 9 months Investigate potential for shift from casualty reduction (ie to reduce danger at source) Modelled on Vision Zero in Sweden – Key aspect is speed – 20mph for most streets to reduce violence from traffic

Influencing Regional and National Agendas SW Regional Committee Inquiry into Transport Road Safety Strategy beyond 2010 Local Transport Plan 3 Consultant on Guidance LTP3 ( ) West of England UK Physical Activity Guidelines Consensus IDeA + other publications (inc peer review)

Being there Informal opportunities to get health impacts included Being a source of knowledge to hand Building trust Windows of opportunity Cost effective