Syllabication in * tense
Intense means: 1 having a very strong effect or felt very strongly 2 intense activity is very serious, uses a lot of effort, and often involves doing a great deal in a very short time 3 someone who is intense is serious and has very strong feelings or opinions
Intense in context “She concentrated intensely on bringing her body back to normal. The purpose of the experiment was to see if Mae could avoid space sickness without medication.”
Intense moustache
Intense Synonyms for intense are: Vivid, all-consuming, fierce, sharp, keen, furious, violent
Intense Antonyms for intense are: Calm, dull, low-key, mild, moderate, light, soft
Partner Share Think about something you might be intense about. Sentence frame: Sometimes I am intense when I _______ so I can _____________.
Short Answer Questions –Young people today are under pressure to succeed. –After I sprained my ankle and went to the hospital the pain kept me from sleeping. –Walking a lap. –At least 3,000 people were killed in a week of fighting. –He had great dislike for Kate.
Write a Paragraph I am intense when it comes to my school work. I am intense by __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________.
Homework Teach the word intense to your parents. Use the word intense at least 50 times in your conversations this week.