First Annual Report Card | 2011
Health care costs as a percentage of U.S. GDP have DOUBLED Crisis : from 1980 to 2010
Source: UCSF, NEHI Spending Mismatch $2.5 trillion between health determinants and health expenditures
Massachusetts Spending Imbalance Net Change, Fiscal Years
Percentage Overweight & Obese Residents Massachusetts, 1995 and 2010
Response: Diverse Coalition Build a of Massachusetts leaders
Report Card: What need is it? And why do we it? To turn the tide we need: many initiatives, multiple partners across sectors and a way to measure progress
KEY TO REPORT CARD GRADES A Positive Change Throughout the Commonwealth Appropriate policies, programs and practices are not only in place, they are driving positive change B A Good Start Innovative or best practice polices are now in place and could drive positive change C A Start Innovative or best practice policies are under active and serious consideration or are part of promising demo projects, and could drive positive change D Barely a Start Appropriate policies to address major health problems are only to receive active and serious consideration F No Progress Appropriate policies are not receiving active and serious consideration, despite advocacy I Incomplete Policy or programmatic activity is at a very early or experimental stage
Physical Activity D Youth Physical Activity Biking & Walking Healthy Transportation Design & Planning B B
Access to Healthy Foods Farmers Markets Food Deserts Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Healthy School Meals Trans Fat Policy B D F C D
Sugar-Sweetened Beverages (File photo)
Physical Activity Health & Wellness Investments B Employee Health Promotion Public Health Funding Primary Care F C
Physical Activity Citizen Education & Engagement Health Literacy School-based BMI Reporting Health Impact Assessments I B D
Physical Activity Next Steps A focused policy agenda designed to transform the environment through best policies and practices. We hope YOU will JOIN US.