A Community-Based Immunization Education Network: H ealth Communication Dissemination Involving 1,400 Statewide Volunteers Presented by: Betsy Frazer, RN, BS (800) ext or Alabama Quality Assurance Foundation Alabama Quality Assurance Foundation (AQAF) is the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization for the State of Alabama. This material was prepared under a contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), a federal agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Contents do not necessarily represent CMS policy 7SOW-AL-IMM-0501
Alabama Overview 4.5 million residents 730,000 Medicare beneficiaries approximately 1,200 flu & pneumonia deaths/yr 90% are age 65 and over
Research / Background contd… Campaign based on: Pink Book from CDC - successful strategy QIO interviews Alaska – relative improvement - pneumonia vaccination Minnesota – pneumonia vaccination - flu vaccination
Research / Background contd… TN QIO literature search -“Effectiveness of Intervention Strategies”. Most Effective Multiple Interventions Academic Detailing - Opinion Leaders Reminders Audit & Feedback Interactive Education Administrative Interventions CME-Didactics-Direct Mailings Least Effective
Research / Background Campaign based on: Marketing truth: A simple message repeated over time by credible sources will help change behavior. “Needs assessment” data collection form
“IZ Alabama Covered?” Flu & Pneumonia Prevention Campaign
Information Dissemination (Sharing the message) contd… 1 st - Sent out letter to community partners 1 st speaking invitation: Attention getter - Compared flu/pneumo deaths to tornadoes in AL Little known facts shared got buy-in Spent time answering questions/issues Closed with invitation to join
Information Dissemination (Sharing the message) contd… Each group shared contact information for another group they cared about Opportunities to speak grew by “word of mouth” Waiting Room Puzzles assist in message delivery
Information Dissemination (Sharing the message) Campaign = “Value Word” Promoted “worthy” cause Created energy & mystery Received community-leader buy in Enjoyed mass media - started by the volunteers Self-limited membership Self-defining activity
My Job… Speaker Match Maker Press Release writer & sender Served as Director of Volunteers by phone Mail Certificates of Appreciation
Campaign Membership Assisted Living Facilities Business Community IZ Providers Community Coalitions Educators Home Health Agencies Hospitals Individuals Nurses Pharmacists Physicians Politicians Public Health
Campaign Activity Summary contd… 120 face-to-face presentations 1,400 volunteers involved in 49 of Alabama’s 67 counties 240,000 Medicare card covers & educational materials disseminated Media Coverage, featured in: 34 print articles 21 broadcasts 5.1 million combined audience
Campaign Activity Summary Multiple calls with request for more information Replication of campaign (CT, WV, TN, MD, MS, ME, TX, Baltimore City) National Attention through Immunization Action Coalition article NPI - (Izzie goes to Washington - 7/04)
Flu Shots – Results Comparing 2002 to % increased flu shots given in flu clinics (According to data given by Maxim, Flu Central & AL Dept of Health) 88,500 more flu shots given statewide at in flu clinics
Campaign results – after approx. 4 months into effort
Flu Vaccination CMS Results 2001 compared to 2003 National improvement: 3.9% (from 69.78% to 72.54%) Alabama improvement: 6.1% (from % to %)
Pneumonia Vaccination CMS Results 2001 compared to 2003 National: 2.7% improvement (from 64.17% to 65.93%) Alabama: 6.0% improvement (from % to 63.44%)
Campaign Next Step: Pilot for 10 Volunteer Departments: Hospitals Home Healthcare agencies Skilled Nursing Facilities Assisted Living Facilities CMS working on production & nationwide dissemination
Thank you! Questions ??? Betsy Frazer, RN, BS (800) ext 3511